缶詰清酒の貯蔵中における着色について(II) : 酸化還元電位と酒色との関係
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In this experiment, the oxidation reduction potentials (rH), the colors and the iron contents in canned sake were measured after about 6 to 9 months storage at room temperature.The rH was determined on a Beckman G type pH meter at 25℃, using a Beckman 40495 type E-2 glass electrode, a Beckman 39273 inlay type platinum electrode and a cell depicted in figure I. While bubbling oxygen-free nitrogen gas passed through the sample in the cells the scale of the meter was read at 15 minute intervals and readings were continued until it showed constant value. The color was determined on a Shimazu automatic color recording instrument and the results obtained were presented in accordance with the CIE system. Iron was determined by the direct colorimetric method in which o-phenanthroline is used as a reagent.The results obtained are shown in the Table-1. The values of rH were generally more or less higher in the canned sake than in the bottled sake. The degrees of purity in color and amounts of iron content were consistently higher in the canned sake than in the bottled sake. The values of rH, purity in color and the amounts of iron content were practically constant among the bottles packed with the same brand of sake, though they dispersed, in some degrees, among the cans.In the case of canned sake, the changes in rH value have a clear-cut relationship with the changes in the purity in color, and the changes of the cmount of iron content as shown in the figures 3 and 4.Miyachi and Kayahara (1957) ascribed the coloriing sake, which was not yet been pasteurized, to the action of yellow enzymes. We felt that the oxidation reduction substances such as flavin compounds play some important parts even in the coloring of pasteurized canned sake during the short term storage as in this experiment, being accompanied with the rise of the oxidation reduction potential which seems to proceed from the presence of some limited amount of molacular oxygen enclosed in the can and to be accelerated by the presence of iron ion dissolved from the can over a limited amount.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1963-11-15
- 食品中の核酸成分に関する研究 : (第17報)クルマエビの核酸分解酵素系
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- 缶詰清酒の貯蔵中における着色について(II) : 酸化還元電位と酒色との関係
- 清酒罐詰に就いて(話題〔醗酵及び食糧工業に於ける防腐と殺菌〕)
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- マッシュルームよりUDP-アセチルグルコサミンの分離
- 8.冷凍食品の解凍におけるヌクレオチドの消長(10周年記念号)
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- 148. しいたけ子実体の核酸分解酵素系について : 食品中の核酸成分に関する研究 (第8報)
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- 14.清酒罐詰に就いて(熱殺菌 (応用) )(〔醗酵及び食糧工業に於ける防腐と殺菌〕)