- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to devise of the method for removing excessive acids and heavy metals, the author has investigated the change of heavy metals in the process of adjusting acidity of grape must by means of ion-exchange resin treatment. It is indicated that wine can be adjusted to a desired and adequate total acidity by blending the resin-treated grape juice or must with untreated one, and that at the same time, heavy metals can be effectively removed by this method, ; the quality of treated wine therefore becomes better. But, it is also found that effective minerals are removed from the wine together with heavy metals, and wine becomes unballanced in taste. Consequently, it is necessary to adjust thc taste of the wine by supplying calcium and magnesium salts which are lacking in juice or must to the treated one, or by blending the wine with other wine.
- 公益社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1961-11-15
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