- 論文の詳細を見る
Infant rats were fed okara-tempe as their only source of dietary fiber, and the percent utilization of the dietary fiber was measured. About 50% of the total dietary fiber of this food was used, compared with use of about 4% cellulose. Use of okara was about 60%. The oligosaccharides of okara-tempe, especially raffinose, were excreted in great part in the feces, so this foodstuff would cause little meteorism. In rats fed okara-tempe, the pH in the cecum was lower and transit time through the digestive tract was shorter than in rats fed cellulose. These results suggested that dietary fiber in okara-tempe would prevent constipation without causing meteorism. Observation of the digestive residue by scanning electron microscopy suggested that this dietary fiber would be utilized by intestinal microflora in a different way from the digestion of dietary fiber in okara itself. The absorption of fat or calcium was not decreased by okara-tempe.
- 1995-02-01
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