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Quinoa-tempeh (the quinoa fermented with Rhizopus oligosporus, Q-tempeh) is a typical functional food, but its use has been limited for its strong enzyme activities. To expand the use of quinoa-tempeh as a high functional foodstuff, breads were prepared using wheat flour partly substituted with quinoa powder and Q-tempeh paste (heated and pasted Q-tempeh) inactivated enzymes of R. oligosporus, and their suitability of quinoa and Q-tempeh as an ingredient of bread were compared. The bread made from 5% substitution of quinoa for wheat flour increased hardness, and descent preferable ranking on taste, flavor, texture and overall of it. However, no significant differences were found between the control bread and the bread made from 5% substitution of Q-tempeh for wheat flour on the hardness and cohesiveness, and as well as in the preferable ranking on taste, flavor, texture and overall. Furthermore, Q-tempeh retarded hardening of bread during storage at low temperature.
- 2007-01-15
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