- 論文の詳細を見る
Two bacterial strains(strains BS and B1)extremely resistant to potassium cromate were isolated from a chromium-waste-storing bottle of our laboratory. The strain BS, which was identified as Alcaligens sp., grew well in the presence of 10% potassium chromate. The strain B1,which was identified as Flavobacterium sp., was able to grow in the present of 20% potassium chromate. No enzyme activity reducing hexavalent chromium could be found in the strains BS and B1. Chromium was noto detectable from the strain B1 cells cultivated in a medium containing 0.01% potassium chromate. The strain B1 was less resistant to sodium chromate in the presence of 2,4-dinitrophenol. These results suggested that a membrane barrier to the permeation of chromium may be responsible for the chromium resistance of the strain B1.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1988-03-25
苅田 修一
嶋田 協
嶋田 協
嶋田 協
Shimada K
Yamanashi Univ. Yamanashi Jpn
苅田 修一
松島 欽一
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- 540 Clostridium thermocellumセルラーゼCelJ中に存在するファミリー9触媒ドメインと糖質結合モジュールの機能
- 422 Clostridium paraputrificumのキチナーゼ遺伝子のクローニング、構造解析と酵素の諸性について
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