- 論文の詳細を見る
The stereoisomers of 2,3-butanediol and acetoin in 10 wine samples produced in Yamanashi prefecture were analyzed. The detected acetoins consisted of D-isomers only without L-isomer and their concentations varied from 0 to 82 mg/l. Red and stored wines, almost all subjected to malo-lactic fermentation, contained a large quanitity of acetoin while it was scarcely detected in white young wines. These results gave rise to the possibility that the acetoin in wine was chiefly derived from lactic acid bacteria but not yeast. On the other hand, the levels of butanediol found in the wines varied from 116 to 1390 mg/l, with an overall mean value of 48 mg/l, of which the isomeric forms consisted of D and meso-isomer, a minimum, maximum, and mean concentration of the former were 127,1173,353 and the values of the latter were 29,235,96 mg/l, respectively. The percentage of the meso-isomer varied from 14 to 38%, with an overall mean of 21%. L-Isomers were not detected in any samples. In yeast, the D-butanediol produced was derived from D-acetoin and te meso-isomer from L-acetoin. We speculated that the D-meso ratio reflected the fermentation process of the wine. A correlation between the butanediol content and the organoleptic evaluation in each wine sample was surveyed. It was recognized that there are fewer samples with low sensory evaluation in the wines ranging in the butanediol concentration from 300 to 500 mg/l and the percentage of the meso-isomer from 22 to 26 than the others.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1986-05-25
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