Classification of Lactobacillus helveticus Strains by Immunological Differences in Extracellular Proteinases
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Polyclonal antibodies against an extracellular proteinase of Lactobacillus helveticus CP53 were raised. The antibodies reacted with a 170-kDa enzyme with activity and a 53-kDa protein that seemed to be a degradation product of the 170-kDa proteinase from results of immunoblotting. The antibodies reacted also with a 45-kDa extracellular proteinase of L. helveticus CP790. However, monoclonal antibodies to the CP790 proteinase did not react with the proteinase of L. helveticus CP53. Seventeen strains of L. helveticus were tested for immunological reactivity with the two kinds of antibodies. The strains all had the same reactivity as either strain CP53 or strain CP790. Eleven strains with the 45-kDa proteinase were identified as L. helveticus biovar jugurti because they did not ferment maltose, four other strains with the 170- and 53-kDa proteins were identified as L. helveticus biovar helveticus because they fermented maltose. The remaining two strains dit not fit this pattern ; they had both the 170- and 53-kDa proteins, but classification by their sugar utilization showed them to be L. helveticus biovar jugurti.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 1998-06-23
Yamamoto Nobuyuki
College Of Agriculture Ehime University
Department of Biological Science and Technology, Science University of Tokyo
Momose Haruo
Department Of Biological Science And Technology Science University Of Tokyo
R&D Center, Calpis Co., Ltd.
ONO Hiroko
R&D Center, Calpis Co., Ltd.
MAENO Masafumi
R&D Center, Calpis Co., Ltd.
UEDA Yuudai
Department of Biological Science and Technology, Science University of Tokyo
TAKANO Toshiaki
Department of Biological Science and Technology, Science University of Tokyo
Ono Hiroko
R&d Center Calpis Co. Ltd.
Yamamoto Naoyuki
R&d Center Calpis Co. Ltd.
Ueda Yuudai
Department Of Biological Science And Technology Science University Of Tokyo
Maeno Masafumi
R&d Center Calpis Co. Ltd.
Takano Toshiaki
Department Of Biological Science And Technology Science University Of Tokyo
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