14. ショックに伴うプラズマキニンと関連酵素系の動態(第2回プラズマキニン研究会)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The change of level of plasmakinin and its related enzymes during anaphylaxis of the guinea pig and dog and the related enzymes plasmin and kallikrein were tested. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The change of plasmin activity in the serum of guinea pigs and dogs during anaphylaxis were studied. Euglobulin extracted from serum were used as the test samples and the fibrinolytic, fibrinogenolytic activities were determined. In almost of the cases plasmin activity was formd to be remarkbly elevating shortly after the production of anaphylaxis. 2. The quantaive determination of kallikrein in the serum was carried out by the sensitized red cell hemagglutination inhibition test using kallikrein-antikallikrein system. The most specifically and serologically reacted fraction extracted from the anti-kallikrein rabbit serum to the red cell sensitized with kallikrein was fractionated by DEAE-cellulose colum chromatography. Using this fraction of anti-serum, the quantitative determination of kallikrein in the serum was estimated. Not a definite result was obtained, but in some cases kallikrein level in the serum after anaphylaxis seems to be somewhat increased. 3. The extraction of plasmakinin in blood was carried out by chemical procedure following to the modified method of Yoshinaga-Abe and the determination was carried out biologically. No detectable level of plasmakinin was demonstrated from the blood in the normal state of guinea pigs and dogs and the brakdyinin level in blood after anaphylaxis was observed to be increaed in some cases. Thses results and the author's former experiments on the formation of plasmakinin in vitro suggest that in the formation of plasmakinin in the cases of anaphylaxis plasmin and kallikrein systems might be closely related.
- 日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1968-04-30
宮永 嘉隆
木村 義民
塚原 英之
井上 喜恵
木村 義民
井上 喜恵
塚原 英之
宮永 嘉隆
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