3.副性腺KallikreinとそのEsterolytic Activity(第4回プラスマキニン研究会)
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The degree of the degradation of tosyl-arginine methyl ester (TAME) by kallikreins can be deter-mined by means of the measurement of methanol liberated from TAME. Methanol was oxidized to form-aldehyde by KMnO, and the amount was determined colorimetrically after the formation of a stable chro-motropic acid-formaldehyde complex. This method is very easy to perform and is 10 times more sensitive than the usual method which bases on the measurement of the residual TAME. Good agreement was obtained in comparison of the results of the both methods. Using this new method, the esterolytic activities of guinea pig coagulating gland kallikrein (CGK) and the same fractions of the prostate gland, pancrease and submaxillary gland were assayed and the most potent activity was found in the coagulating gland. The same observation was obtained in the comparison of the other biological activities of those fractions. The kinin released by CGK was recognized as bradykinin through its property on paper, CM-cellu-lose column and thin-layer chromatographies. This was confirmed by the finding as the N-terminal amino residue of the kinin. Besides kallikrein, the coagulating gland contains a potent kininase, too. The kininase formed insoluble precipitate and was mostly removed through dialysis against distilled water, but not against saline solution. Following this simple procedure for the separation of kininase, the isoelectrofocusing frac-tionation was carried out for the purification of CGK, and CGK was eluted out between pH 3 to 4. Further purification is mow undergoing.
- 日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1970-08-30
井上 典子
守屋 寛
森脇 千秋
井上 典子
法島 義男
法島 義男
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Science University Of Tokyo:(present Address)department Of Immuno
- Isolation of Dog, Rat and Hog Pancreatic Kallikreins by Preparative Disc Electrophoresis and Their Properties
- Homogeneity and Multiplicity Forms of Glandular Kallikreins
- Measurement of the Sugar Contents and Their Effect on the Electrophoretical Behaviors of Multiple Forms of Hog Pancreatic Kallikrein
- Kinin Inactivating Enzyme from Mushroom Tricholoma conglobatum. I. Purification and the Sites of Action on Bradykinin Molecule
- Anti-Bradykinin Activity Found in Beet (Beta vulgaris L. var. rapa DUMORT. f. rubra DC.)
- A Proposal-Use of Combined Assays of Kallikrein Activity Measurement
- Purification and Characterization of Dog Urinary Kallikrein
- Action of Various Kallikreins and Related Enzymes on Synthetic Arginine and Lysine Derivatives as Substrates
- クロモトロープ酸を用いるカリクレインのエステロリティック活性の測定法
- 有機水銀化合物の毒性(第1報) : 塩化メトキシエチル水銀による水俣病様症状の発現
- 3.副性腺KallikreinとそのEsterolytic Activity(第4回プラスマキニン研究会)
- 生理活性ペプチド・キニンを不活性化する植物中の酵素 : II. ポテト中のブラジキニン不活性化酵素の性質
- 生理活性ペプチド・キニンを不活性化する植物中の酵素 : I. ポテト中のブラジキニン不活性化酵素の部分精製
- Dog Pancreatic Arginine Esterases : spontaneously activated on DEAE-Sephadex
- Studies on Kallikrein Inhibitors from Potatoes. III. Some Pharmacological Actions of Potato-Kallikrein-Inhibitors (PKI)
- ヒト血漿キニン遊離酵素の多様性について
- 5. 血中キニン抑制