被削材のびびり振動に及ぼす工具形状の影響 : 第3報,工具と被削材が部分的に離れる場合
- 論文の詳細を見る
In the case that the cutting edge leaves a workpiece, the effects of the roundness of the cutting edge and the depth of the cut on the dynamic cutting forces are researched experimentally with two tools whose shapes are different from each other. The following findings were obtained: (1) with both tools the same characteristics of vibration and cutting forces appear in this primary chatter; (2) the non-linearity of cutting forces to the depth of the cut changes the figures of dynamic cutting forces under the condition of a gradually increasing depth of the cut; (3) the penetration effect in the rubbing region differs from that in the cutting region; (3-1) in the rubbing region the shear angle and the chip flow changes in the dynamic condition, which is the cause of this primary chatter: (3-2) in the cutting region, the effect of the interaction between the chip and the rake face is predominant and controls the chatter.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1988-08-25
川合 忠雄
水谷 一樹
川合 忠雄
太田 博
川合 忠雄
白土 敏治
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