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Two key technologies were reviewed to propose effective approaches to functional glasses. One is combinatorial glass synthesis system. The combinatorial glass synthesis system consists of automatic batch preparation apparatus and two types of automatic apparatuses for melting of glass batches in crucibles. The combinatorial system was effective to search new glass forming systems and to speed up preparation of glass samples. The system was useful for the developments of bulk functional glasses based on doping of ions or compounds. The other is a new technique based on anodization of aluminum. The anodic oxidation of sputtered aluminum film on glass surfaces was applied to preparation of alumina nanostructures possessing nanopore arrays on glass surfaces. Oxides or metallic compounds could be introduced into nanopores using sol-gel technique or electro deposition technique. The introduction of TiO_2 by sol-gel process yielded high performance photo catalysis showing decomposition rate of acetaldehyde higher by about 13 times than that of P-25 commercial high performance TiO_2 powder catalysis. The impregnation of Ni metal into nanopores by electro deposition gave high density magnetic rod array of about 600 G/inch^2, suggesting that the process would be applicable to the development of high density magnetic recording media. The new process based on anodic oxidation of sputtered aluminum was very effective to develop functional nanostructure layers on glass surfaces.
- 社団法人日本セラミックス協会の論文
- 2003-10-01
井上 悟
井上 悟
物質・材料研究機構 物質研究所
井上 悟
井上 悟
井上 悟
井上 悟
(独)物質・材料研究機構 ナノセラミックスセンター 機能性ガラスグループ
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