Stability of Columnar Phase and Smectic A-Crystalline Phase Transition in the System of Parallel Identical Hard Rods
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It is shoxvua in tlae 3-rd virial approxirnatioua tlaat tlae smectic A-crystalliuae phasetransition occurs in perfectly aligxaed idematical rigid cylinders (or discs) witla diameterD auad length L, by using tlae naetltod of s3'xnmetry breaking potential. TIICI suaaectic Aphase and a laexagonal crystalliuae pltase are s]?ow'n to co-exist for 0,39<j<0.53,where t7 denotes the packiuag fraction. Nut tlue co-existence region, tlae crystallixte latticeconstants *:1.35D in tlae lvexagonal plauae and c', I.26L alc>ng the 1101-11181 to theplane and the smectic lad'er spaciuag /:,1.35L are obtained. The hexagonal columnarphase is SIIOWII to be more stable tltan tlae smectic A plaase at higlter deuasity tlaan'ZSmA-Cal""' but always less stable tlaaua the crystalline phase. 'Tlaese results are in de-pendent of tlte ratio DSL due to t1?e asst.?mption of perfectly parallel aliguanaent ofnaolecules.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1992-08-15
MORI Atsushi
Department of Optical Science and Technology,Faculty of Engineering,University ofTokushima
Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry, Fukui University of Technology
Kimura Hatsuo
Department Of Applied Physics And Chemistry Fukui University Of Technology
Kimura Hatsuo
Department Of Applied Physics School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Mori Atsushi
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering University Of Fukui
Mori Atsushi
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokushima
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