NMR Study on the Coexistence of Superconductivity and Ferromagnetism in (Ce_<1_x>Gd_x) Ru_2
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Spin echo NMR and ac susceptibility measurements have been performed at60 mK--4.2 K in (Ce. ,Gd,)Ru.. The sharp superconducting transition is con-firmed for ,r$0.lI0. The NMR signals associated with the ferromagneticallyordered Gd atoms are observed down to ,X'=0.105 in zero external field and tox=O.O95 with applying field. The hyperfine field at Gd site changes as -206-1-88-,X" k0e. The intensity of the signal in zero field decreased rapidly in accordancewith the appearance of superconductivity. The temperature, concentration andexternal field dependence of the transverse relaxation time T. show that T. isgoverned mainly by the Weger mechanism. The rapid increase of T. with loweringtemperature for 0.105$,v$0.1l0 indicates a possible appearance of small energygap associated with superconducting state. The results support the coexistence ofsuperconductivity and ferromagnetism.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1978-08-15
KUMAGAI Ken-ichi
Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Asayama Kunisuke
Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka Univercity
Faculty of Engineering Science,Osaka University
Kumagai Ken-ichi
Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Matsuhira Toshimasa
Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka University:department Of Oto-larynology Kanazawa Medical Univer
Kumagai Ken-ichi
Faculty of Engineering Science,Osaka University
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