Electromagnetic Property of Low-Lying Levels in ^<143>Pm
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Low-lying excited states in a neutron magic nucleus ^<143>Pm, were studied by investigating γ-rays and conversion electrons following ^<141>Pr(α,2n)^<143>Pm and ^<148>Nd(p,6n)^<143>Pm reactions. The 272 keV 7/2^+, 960 keV 11/2^- and 1057 keV 3/2^+ levels were confirmed and the 1664 keV (13/2^-) and possibly 2053 keV levels were found. The γ-transition scheme for these levels were obtained. The half-life of the 960 keV state was measured as 26.0±2.0 ns. The following reduced transition probabilities were obtained; B(M2,960 keV 11/2^-⇾272 keV 7/2^+)=10.5±0.8fm^2 (eℏ/2Mc)^2, and B(E3,960 keV 11/2^-⇾ground state 5/2^+)=(1.01±0.09)×10^4e^2fm^6. The effective M2 and E3 coupling constants are g^<eff>_<M2>=0.235g^<SP>_<M2> and g^<SP>_<E3>. These values suggest a reduction of the M2 transition due to a destructive effect of the spin-isospin core polarization and an enhancement of the E3 transition due to a constructive effect of the octupole core polarization.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1973-09-05
Sakai Mitsuo
Institute For Nuclear Study University Of Tokyo
Ejiri Hiroyasu
Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo:institute For Nuclear Study University Of Tokyo:(present A
Ejiri Hiroyasu
Department Of Physics And Laboratory For Nuclear Studies Osaka University
Department of Physics,Osaka university
Sakai M
Tohoku Univ. Sendai
Kawakami Hiroshi
Institute Of Technology And Science The University Of Tokushima
Yoshikawa Nobuyuki
Faculty Of Engineering Yokohama National University
Institute for Nuclear Study,University of Tokyo
Institute for Nuclear Study,University of Tokyo
KUSAKARI Hideshige
Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo
Shibata Tokushi
Department Of Physics And Laboratory Of Nuclear Studies Faculty Of Science Osaka University
Kusakari Hideshige
Institute For Nuclear Study University Of Tokyo
Yoshikawa Nobuharu
Institute For Nuclear Study University Of Tokyo
Kawakami Hirokane
Institute For Nuclear Study University Of Tokyo
Sakai Mitsuo
Institute For Nuclear Study Tokyo University
EJIRI Hiroyasu
Department of Physics, Osaka University
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