Spin Paramagnetic Effect on Magnetic-Field-Enhanced Superconductivity in Layered Thin Films of Au/Ge
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The Kogan-Nakagaw'a (KN) theory is inaproved to describe a magnetic-field-en-lvanced superconductivity by incorporating s)cin paraxnagnetisuat and spin orbit scat-taring. Tlve present tlaeory ex)clains tlae critical-temjveratture (7'.)-enhancexnexat abovetlte zero-field T under parallel magnetic fields observed in layered tltin films ofAu / Ge except for tlae exact temperature (T ) dependence of tlte critical fielcl (7-Z.). Tlveconditions for llae occurrence of l.-enltarucement are also discussed as a function ofdurtymaess. In the vicinity of tlve critical conditioxa for 7'.-enlaancement, the tlteoryyields a three-valued character ima H. vs T relatioua and deviates from tlae experinteuat.In contrast to tlte KN theory, no 7'.-enltaracement is exjcected in the dirty lixaait becauseof tlae spin paramagnetic efl'ect.[supercoutductivity, critical tentjcerature, critical field, enlaancement, twzcc dimen- lI sinn<nin nnrnntnotmefi<m cnitt nrhif cratfr?rinn f'hvn f?1rn All flal
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1992-07-15
Department of Applied Physics, Tohoku University
Tsuboi T
Cell-free Science And Technology Research Center Ehime University
Tsuboi Takefumi
Department Of Chemistry Faculity Of Science Kyoto University
SEGUCHI Yasuhiro
Department of Metal Engineering, Kinki University
Seguchi Y
Department Of Metal Engineering Kinki University
Seguchi Yasuhiro
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Science And Engineering Kinki University
Suzuki Takao
Department Of Applied Physics Tohoku University
Suzuki Takao
Department Of Anatomical Science Hirosaki University Graduate School Of Medicine
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Tokyo University of Agriculture
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