Estimates of Molecular Effects on the Neutrino Mass Determination by Triton β Decay
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Molecular effects on the /7-ray spectra of triton decay are carefully estimated fortwo alkane molecules, CH,T and CH.-CHT-CH, in the sudden approximation by abinitio SCF-MO methods. (1) The basis set dependence of transition probabilities is ex-amined for CH,T using four types of basis sets of the double zeta quality with andwithout diffuse and polarization functions. (2) The excitation energy spectrum for thetransition of CH.,-CHT-CH, is shown to have two broad peaks at ?20 eV and 35 eVcorresponding [0 the molecular excitations, which is rather similar to the distributionfor valine II obtained by Kaplan et at. (3) The validity of the adopted basis set is alsochecked for the case of propane by examining the saturation of the unitarity and ofthe sum rules for the excitation energy. The rate of the two-particle excitation turnsout to be 4.S%, the inclusion of which improves the saturation of the unitarity to9S.6%.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1986-11-15
Department of Neurosurgery, Nagoya Central Hospital
Koga Nobuaki
Institute For Molecular Science
Watanabe T
Ntt Basic Research Laboratory
Watanabe T
Kobe Univ. Kobe
Arafune J
Univ. Tokyo Tanashi Jpn
Arafune Jiro
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology:institute For Cosmic Ray Rese
Arafune Jiro
Department Of Phyics Universit Of Tokyo
Watanabe Tadashi
Department Of Food Science And Technology Faculty Of Bioindustry Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Institute for Molecular Science
Department of Environmental Science and Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo-Noko- University
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