Microstructural Investigations on Type IV Cracking in a High Cr Steel
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2002-12-15
Hongo H
National Institute For Materials Science
Hongo Hiromichi
National Institute For Materials Science
National Institute for Materials Science
National Institute for Materials Science
KUBO Kiyoshi
National Institute for Materials Science
National Institute for Materials Science
MATSUI Masakazu
Mitsubushi Heavy Industries
Watanabe T
Ntt Basic Research Laboratory
Watanabe T
Department Of Applied Physics Nagoya University:crest Japan Science And Technology Corporation (jst)
Watanabe T
Kobe Univ. Kobe
Matsui M
National Institute For Materials Science:(present Address)mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Watanabe Tomohiko
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Nagoya University
Watanabe Tomohiro
National Institute For Materials Science
Matsui Masakazu
National Institute For Materials Science:(present Address)mitsubishi Heavy Industries
College of General Education,Osaka University
渡辺 二太
Department Of Applied Physics Nagoya University:crest Japan Science And Technology Corporation (jst)
Tabuchi Masaaki
National Inst. For Materials Science Independent Administrative Institution
Tabuchi Masaaki
National Research Institute For Metals
Tabuchi Masaaki
National Research Institute Of Metals
Watanabe Tadashi
Tokyo University Of Information Sciences
Watanabe Takashi
National Institute for Agro-environmental Sciences
- Linear Analysis of a Localized Plasma-Loaded Backward Wave Oscillator Driven by an Annular Intense Relativistic Electron Beam
- Effects of Full Annealing Heat Treatment on Long-term Creep Strength of 2.25Cr-lMo Steel Welded Joint
- Prediction of Creep Lifetime for Butt-Welded Joint of Type 304 Stainless Steel by Finite Element Method Incorporating Damage Variable
- カスプ磁場におけるプラズマ
- Magnetic and Superconducting Properties of Ba_2HoCu_3O_ under High Magnetic Field : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Creep Fracture Analysis of W Strengthened High Cr Steel Weldment
- Microstructural Investigations on Type IV Cracking in a High Cr Steel
- 28a-Z-3 大型ヘリカル装置(LHD)における粒子軌道のカオス
- Crystal Structure and Superconductivity in Ba_2Y_Pr_xCu_3O_ : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Superconductivity in Ba_3La_2LuCu_6O_y : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Preparation and Superconducting Properties of Tetragonal Ba_2YCu_3O_ and Ba_2EuCu_3O_ with Low Oxygen-Defect Concentration (0.05
- Superconductivity in Ba-Ln(lanthanoid)-Cu-O Compounds
- Linear Mode Conversion between Ordinary and Extraordinary Waves in Plasma with Large Magnetic Shear
- Linear Dispersion Relation of Double Period Slow Wave Structure for High-Power Backward Wave Oscillators
- Resonant Enhancement of Radiation from a Backward Wave Oscillator Utilizing Large Diameter Corrugated Metal Structure
- Linear Analysis of a Backward Wave Oscillator with Coaxial Slow Wave Structure
- Absolute Instability of Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Waves in a Plasma Waveguide with Periodic Boundaries
- Analysis on Field Line and Poynting Vectors in Corrugated Wall Waveguides
- Effect of Beam Energy Spread on Radiation Intensity in a High-Power Backward Wave Oscillator with Finite Length
- Superconductivity and a Mott Transition in a Hubbard Model on an Anisotropic Triangular Lattice(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Nonmonotonic d_-Wave Superconductivity in Electron-Doped Cuprates Viewed from the Strong-Coupling Side(Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Variational Monte Carlo Studies of Pairing Symmetry for the t-J Model on a Triangular Lattice(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- 2p-G-6 非対称高周波電場による電流駆動機構
- 13a-DG-2 低域混成波(LHW)による電流駆動機構の研究
- Analysis of Starting Currents in a Backward Wave Oscillator with Finite Structure Length
- Experiment on Current Decay of Intense REB Ring with a Large Self-Magnetic Energy
- Experiment on Current Decay of Intense REB Ring with a Large Self-Magnetic Energy
- Numerical study of instabilities induced by sheet electron beam on corrugated metal plate
- Interaction of Axially Streaming Electron Beam with Axisymmetric TM Mode in a Periodical Slow Wave Structure with Finite Magnetic Field
- Effects of an Ambipolar Field on Stability of Electrostatic Drift Waves in Sheet Plasmas
- Numerical Method for Nonlinear Wave Propagation and Application to Laser-Plasma Interaction
- Numerical Study of RF-Plugging of Plasma Particles in a Line-Cusp Magnetic Field
- Particle Orbit Analysis under the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Heating in the Large Helical Device
- Field line and Particle orbit Analysis in the Periphery of the Large Helical Device
- Magnetic Properties of SrFe_Co_xO_3
- Helium Fluid in Na-Y Zeolite : Pulsed NMR Study of ^3He : I. QUANTUM LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS : He in Restricted Geometry
- Superfluid ^4He Films Adsorbed on Pt Packed Powder : I. QUANTUM LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS : He in Restricted Geometry
- A Semiquantum Liquid and a New Ordered Phase of ^4He Adsorbed in Y Zeolite
- 高周波封じ込めの改良
- 高周波加熱
- ポンデラモーティブ・ポテンシャルによる閉じ込め
- 高周波電磁場とプラズマ
- Cu-NMR Study on Bilayer High-T_c Cuprate La_Ca_Cu_2O_(La2126)
- Consideration of Deformation of TiN Thin Films with Preferred Orientation Prepared by Ion-Beam-Assisted Deposition
- Mechanical Properties of TiN Films with the Preferred Orientations by Nano-Indentation Method
- Magnetic Properties of Antiferromagnetic GdCu_6
- Superconductivity in U_5Ge_3
- Low-Temperature Magnetic Susceptibility and Specific Heats of Single Crystals PrCu_6
- Heat Capacities of ^3He and ^4He in the Restricted Geometry of Na-Y Zeolite
- Structural Study of Inhomogeneous Charge Distribution of Inequivalent CuO_2 Planes in Bi_Sr_Ca_2Cu_3O_ Single Crystals
- Structural Study of Inhomogeneous Charge Distribution of Inequivalent CuO_2 Planes in Bi_Sr_Ca_2Cu_3O_ Single Crystals
- Large In-Plane Anisotropy on Resistivity and Thermopower in the Misfit Layered Oxide Bi_Pb_xSr_2Co_2O_y : Structure and Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Condensed Matter
- Optical Properties of One-Dimensional Inflation Lattice. : I. Fractal Structure of Optical Spectrum
- Responses of Superheated Superconducting Tin Granules to α-Ray Irradiations in Various Energy
- Single Particle and Fluid Picture for the Ponderomotive Drift in Cold Magnetized Plasmas
- Degradation of Creep Strength in Welded Joint of 9%Cr Steel
- One-Dimensional Stacking Order in Cs_2PbCu (NO_2)_6
- SB-07-3(083) Effect of Microstructural Changes During Creep on The Creep Rate at 823K in Type 304 Heat Resistant Steel(Changes in Microstructure 2)
- Molecular Final-State Interactions in Triton β Decay
- Estimates of Molecular Effects on the Neutrino Mass Determination by Triton β Decay
- A Self-Consistent Electronic Structure Calculation of InAs-GaSb Interface
- Effects of Alloying Additions and Material Microstructure on the Accuracy of the Predictive Law of Creep Crack Growth for W-Strengthened 9-12%Cr Ferritic Heat-Resistant Steel
- The characterization of creep crack growth rate and its life of Cast TiAl-Fe-V-B Alloys(Strength & Fracture)
- Comparative Study of The Estimation of Creep Crack Growth Behaviour of TiAl by Using A Precrack And A Notch CT Specimens
- TTP Diagrams of Z Phase in 9-12% Cr Heat-Resistant Steels
- GS(6)-26(GSW0324) The Measurement and Estimation of Creep Crack Growth of a Round Bar Specimen with a Circular Notch for 12Cr Ferritic Heat Resistant Steel
- Mossbauer Spectroscopic Studies on SrFe_Co_xO_3
- Flute Mode Instability Driven by an E×B Drift Shear of a Nonuniform Radial Electric Field
- Interlayer Stacking Structure in First Stage Alkali Binary and Ternary Graphite Intercalation Compounds
- Analysis of Stress - Strain Relationship in Materials Containing Voids by Means of Plastic Finite Element Method
- Microstructures and Type-IV Creep Damage of High Cr Steel Welds
- The Influence of Both Testing Environment and Fillet Radius of the Die Holder on the Rupture Life of Small Punch Creep Tests
- Rapid and simple colorimetric assay for detecting the enzymatic degradation of biodegradable plastic films(METHODS)
- Characterization of creep crack growth behaviour of 316 stainless steel in terms of microscopical fracture mechanism.
- Xylose induces the phyllosphere yeast Pseudozyma antarctica to produce a cutinase-like enzyme which efficiently degrades biodegradable plastics(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Rapid and simple colorimetric assay for detecting the enzymatic degradation of biodegradable plastic films