The Condensation of Hard Modes Induced by the Condensation of Soft Modes When Both the Soft and Hard Modes are of Nonzero Wavenumber
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Several examples are presented and discussed, where it is shown that the fainteness indices of ferroic phases with respect to hard vigrational modes having defferent transformation properties than soft modes can take on dinite values even when both the soft and hard modes are of nonzero wavenumber.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1974-12-15
- A Reducible but Unreduced, Rectilinear System of Transition Parameters.Its Application to a Unified Phenomenological Theory of a Complex Family such as the Rochelle Salt Family
- Theory of Incommensurate Phase Transitions when Two Equivalent Directions of Modulation Exist in the Prototype and the Unmodulated Soft Modes are of a Nonzero Wavenumber
- Another Checkpoint for Second Order Transitions Equivalent to the Checkpoint of Positive Definiteness and Incompatible Inequalities
- Ferroelectrics Having an Irreversible (but Divertible) Spontaneous Polarization Vector
- Thermodynamical Theory of Equisymmetric Ferroic-to-Ferroic Transitions
- Possibility of Semicommensurate Phases When the Corresponding Purely Incommensurate Phases Are Forbidden
- Further Investigation of "Semicommensurte"Phases.Possibility of the Successive Second-Other Transitions,Prototypic→Incommensurate→Semicommensutate
- Temperature Dependences of Linear Electro-Incommensurate Constants in the Vicinity of the Transition from a Prototypic Phase to a Simultaneously Incommensurate and Ferroelectric Phase
- A Possible New Type of Simultaneously Incommensurate and Ferroelectric Phases
- General Cosiderations of Heterophone Sequences of Transitions
- A Further Study of Stirrability and Unstirrability among Soft Modes
- Interpretations of the Sequence of Transitions in Barium Sodium Niobate, Ba_2NaNb_5O_
- On the Orders of Lineal Phase Transitions
- Different "Subspecies" for Ferroic Phases Derived from a Common Prototype and Belonging to the Same Species
- Theory on the Possivility of Incommensurate Modulation along an Axis Perpendicular to the x Axis in K_2SeO_4
- A Reducible but Unreduced, Spherical System of Transition Parameters. Unified Phenomenological Theory, by Its Use, of the Rochelle Salt Family Containing Both Zone-Center Ferroelectrics and Zone-Boundary Ferroelectrics
- If an Incommensurate Phase is Possible, can Never the Transition from the Prototypic to a Commensurate Ferroic Phase be Second Order?
- Newly Formulated Phenomenological Theory of Incommensurate Transitions in a Substance like NaNO_2
- Comprehensive Tabulation of the Four Categories of Ferroic Point Groups Derived from Each of the 31 Prototype Point Groups
- Theory of the Induction of Incommensurate Condensations of Hard Modes by an Incommensurate Condensation of the Soft Modes in a Substance Like K_2SeO_4
- A Note on the Condensation of a Mode R Following the Condensation of a Soft Mode Q When R Couples with Q Merely in the Form Q^2 R^2
- Phenomenological Theory of the Transition Sequence in K_2SeO_4, Pnam → an Incommensurate Phase → Commensurate Pna2_1
- Therems Relating to Catastrophe Indices and to the "Fourth" Checkpoint for Second-Order Transitions
- Group-Theoretical Interpretation of Faintness Index for Ferroelectricity or Ferroelasticity. : I. Faintness Index of Soft Vibrational Modes
- Presentation and Discussion of Examples of Ferroelectrics and Ferroelastics Having the Index of Faintness Unequal to the Cell Multiplicity
- Considerations of Crystals which are "Antiferroelastic" as well as Paraelectric, Ferroelectric, or Antiferroelectric
- The Condensation of Hard Modes Induced by the Condensation of Soft Modes When Both the Soft and Hard Modes are of Nonzero Wavenumber
- A General and Unified Theory of the Homophone Sequences of Transitions in Which the Soft Modes are Doubly Degenerate
- Ferroelectric and Ferroelastic Phase Transformations in Which the Soft Waves Have a Wavelength Equal to a General Rational Number Times the Lattice Constant
- Hard Vibrational Modes Which Are, or Are Not, Induced to Condense by the Condensation of Soft Modes. Extension of the Concept of Faintness Index for Ferroelectricity and Ferroelasticity
- Considerations of Partially Ferroelastic and Partially Antiferroelastic Crystals and Partially Ferroelectric and Partially Antiferroelectric Crystals
- Second-Order Transitions from Prototypic Phases to Simultaneously Incommensurate and Ferroelectric Phases of a Newly Proposed Type
- Second-Order Ferroic State Shifts
- Supplement to a Previous Theory of Weak Ferroelastics and Weak Ferroelectrics
- General Consideration of Ferroelectrics and Ferroelastics such that the Electric Susceptibility or Elastic Compliance is Temperature Independent in the Prototypic Phase
- General Considerations of Homophone Sequences of Phase Transitions
- Determination of the Catastrophe Indices for Every Prototype and Every Soft Mode System of Wavenumber Zero
- Group-Theoretical Interpretation of Faintness Index for Ferroelectricity or Ferroelsstictiy. : II. Faintness Index of a Ferroic Phase
- The Equivalents of Unique Ferroelectric Direction in the Paraelectric Crystal Having a Ferroelectric Phase Transition and the Ppssible Kinds of the Corresponding Ferroelectric Phase
- Subkinds of the 22 Kinds of Ferroelectrics, Complexity in the Narrower Sense, and Ferro-Ferroelectric Phase Transformations
- Symmetries in the Paraelectric Phase-Transformations of Ferroelectric Crystals
- Theoretical Explanations of the Nonvarying and the Decreasing of │P_s│with Cooling from T_c as Observed in some Ferroelectrics
- Inferred Temperature-Dependences of Electrical, Mechanical and Optical Properties of Ferroelectric-Ferroelastic Gd_2(MoO_4)_3
- Fundamentals of Mutual Conversion of Electrical Energy and Mechanical Energy by Simultaneously Ferroelectric and Ferroelastic Crystals
- Possibility of the Transition from an Incommensurate Phase Having Constant Phase Differences to an Incommensurate Phase Having Varying Phase Differences
- Theory of Inocommensurate Phase Transitions when the Soft Mode System Comprises Only a Nondegenerate Zero-Wavenumber Mode, as in NaNO_2
- Proposals Concerning the Sequence of Phase Transitions in K_2SeO_4
- Ferroics Whose Faintness Index for Ferroelectricity or Ferroelasticity is Unequal to That of the Soft Vibrational Modes
- Reconsideration of the Ferroelectrics of Kinds i4, i6, i3R, i3P-I, and i3P-II in Connection with Angular Momentum
- Investigation of Incommensurate Phases of the "Twiny"Gradient Form as Compared with Incommensurate Phases of the Simple Gradient Form
- Possible Species of "Ferroelastic" Crystals and of Simulatneously Ferroelectric and Ferroelastic Crystals
- Supplement to a Previous Paper on the Mechanism of the Ferroelectric Phase Transformation of (NH_4)_2Cd_2(SO_4)_3. : A Model in Which P_s Arises Perpendicular to the Wave Normal of the Soft Waves
- Inferred Mechanism of the Phase Transformation of a Peculiar Ferroelectric-Ferroelastic Crystal : NaNH_4 Tartrate
- Theory of Possible Incommensurate Phases, Their Ferroelectricity and Their Effect on the Real Commensurate Transition in Ammonium Rochelle Salt
- Twofold Incommensurate Phase as Analogs of Semicommensurate Phases.On the Transitions [Prototypic→Ordinarily (or Onefold) Incommensurate →Twofold Incommensurate]
- Theory of the Transition from a Prototypic Phase to a Simultaneously Incomminsurate and Ferroelectric Phase
- Transitions to Simultaneously Incommensurate and Ferroelectric Phases When the Number of (Proper) Order Parameters Is One
- A Fifth Possible Type of Simultaneously Incommensurate and Ferroelectric Phases
- Evaluation of the Faintness Indices for All of the Zero-Wavenumber Vibrational Modes Whose Oversoftening Causes Ferroelectricity or Ferroelasticity
- Ferroelectricity and Enantiomorphism
- Mechanism of the Sequence of Phase Transitions [Orthorhombic⇾Monoclinic Nonferroelectric Monoclinic Ferroelectric] in NH_4HSO_4
- Possibility that Nonferroelectric Modes Severally of n^^-_M=∞ may Collectively Produce Ferroelectricity
- The Pedigrees for Homophone Sequences of Transitions Generated by Zero-Wevenumber Soft Modes
- Possibility of Semicommensurate Phases When the Corresponding Purely Incommensurate Phases Are Forbidden : A Second Type
- Determination of the State Parameters and Formulation of Spontaneous Strain for Ferroelastics
- Conjectured Mechanism of the Phase Transformation of a Peculiar Ferroelectric-Ferroelastic Crystal: (NH_4)_2Cd_2(SO_4)_3
- Electrical, Mechanical and Electromechanical Orders of State Shifts in Nonmagnetic Ferroic Crystals
- Various Possible Forms of Absolute-Type Ferroelectro-Incommensurateness