- 論文の詳細を見る
Defecation rates, dry weights and numbers of pellets of Sika deer (Cervus nippon) and Japanese serow (Capricornis crispus) were determined at the Sendai Yagiyama Zoological Park for one week each in April, August, October of 1979 and in February or March of 1980. Defecation rates were greater in the Sika deer (11-13 times/day) than in the Japanese serow (2.2-4.6 times/day), while the fecal amounts per defecation were smaller in the deer (c. 19-23 gr, 81-95 pellets/def.) than in the serow (c. 37-64 gr, 200-360 pellets/def.). The daily amounts of defecation were rather greater in the deer (c. 210-280 gr, 880-1200 pellets/day) than in the serow (c. 130-210 gr, 810-980 pellets/day). Slight differences were found in the seasonal changes of the defecation rates and daily fecal amounts for the deer, however for the serow these rate and amount increased in the fall.
- 1981-12-30
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