クマは本当にアンブレラ種か? : 2.「細かいフィルター、粗いフィルター」アプローチ
- 論文の詳細を見る
I previously (Takatsuki, 2009) proposed the following question: Although bears are often regarded as umbrella species, is this actually true? So far, I have not been able to find scientific evidence in support of this, and I feel that conservation activities should be based on scientific approaches. Indeed, this opinion is in accordance with that of S. Boutin (2005) in his review of the ecological effects of carnivores in boreal forests of Nordic countries, in which he discussed several effects of bears on ungulates, hares, rodents, and vegetation through cascade effects. Boutin emphasized that a "fine-filter" conservation approach that focuses on particularly charismatic carnivores often overlooks ecological processes and that carnivore-oriented conservation requires large refuges. However, actual refuges are often too small for such large carnivore species, particularly in Europe. Such approaches that focus only on carnivores as umbrella species risk the loss of endangered species or organisms requiring particular ecological processes. For biodiversity conservation, a "coarse-filter" approach that focuses on ecological processes such as wild fires, logging, and succession is more important and effective. Given that the social conditions of Japan in terms of biological conservation are often more similar to those of Europe than of North America, a "coarse-filter" approach may be more appropriate for bear conservation in Japan.
- 2011-05-30
高槻 成紀
The University Of Tokyo
高槻 成紀
高槻 成紀
高槻 成紀
Takatsuki Seiki
The University Museum The University Of Tokyo
Takatsuki Seiki
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Takatsuki Seiki
University Museum The University Of Tokyo
Takatsuki S
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
高槻 成紀
Takatsuki Seiki
Laboratory Of Wildlife Ecology And Conservation School Of Veterinary Sciences Azabu University
高槻 成紀
高槻 成紀
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- クマは本当にアンブレラ種か?
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- 牡鹿半島駒ケ峰に残る温帯混交林の組成と構造
- ニホンジカとニホンカモシカの排糞量・回数
- 芦生研究林におけるニホンジカ(Cervus nippon)の採食によるチマキザサ(Sasa palmata)群落の衰退について (特集 ニホンジカの森林生態系へのインパクト--芦生研究林)
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- P16) ニホンザルの農作物被害対策 : 被害対策の比較の試み(ポスター発表, 野生生物保護学会 2000 年大会大会報告 : 講演要旨)
- A04) 尾港に侵入したシカの食性と湿原への影響(口頭発表, 野生生物保護学会 2000 年大会大会報告 : プログラム)
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- Effects of habitat feature, antenna position, movement, and fix interval on GPS radio collar performance in Mount Fuji, central Japan
- Sexual Variations in Food Quality and Gastrointestinal Features of Sika Deer (Cervus nippon) in Japan During Winter : Implications for Feeding Strategy(Ecology)
- Grazing effects on a grassland community and a plant defence guild in Hulunbeier, northern China
- Seasonal changes in parotid and rumen papillary development in Mongolian gazelle (Procapra gutturosa Pallas)
- The present status, ecology and conservation of the Mongolian gazelle, Procapra gutturosa : a review
- Constraints on feeding type in ruminants : a case for morphology over phylogeny
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- 哺乳類の食べもの : 食性研発の「次の一手」
- Genetic Variations Revealed by Microsatellite Markers in a Small Population of the Sika Deer (Cervus nippon) on Kinkazan Island, Northern Japan(Genetics)
- 植物および群落に及ぼすシカの影響
- 五葉山地域におけるニホンジカの分布域と季節移動
- シカのハビタットとしての五葉山の植生
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- 高山植生と家畜の放牧 (特集 高山植物研究の現在--アルプスからヒマラヤへ)
- Food overlay between Mongolian gazelles and livestock in Omnogobi, southern Mongolia
- Food habits of sika deer in the Shiranuka Hills, eastern Hokkaido : a northern example from the north-south variations in food habits in sika deer
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- 哺乳類の食性の長期研究事例
- Higher mortality of smaller sika deer fawns
- A more detailed seasonal division of the energy balance and the protein balance of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) on Kinkazan Island, northern Japan
- Seasonal food habits of a sika deer population in the warm temperate forest of the westernmost part of Honshu, Japan
- A record of the food retention time of the Asiatic elephant, Elephas maximus
- Bard stripping of hinoki cypress by sika deer in relation to snow cover and food availability on Mt Takahara, central Japan
- Meso-scale variation in winter food composition of sika deer in Tochigi Prefecture, central Japan
- Five-year study on the autumn food habits of the Asiatic black bear in relation to nut production
- The twinning rate of sika deer, Cervus nippon, on Mt. Goyo, northern Japan
- A record of acorn eating by sika deer in western Japan
- クマは本当にアンブレラ種か? : 2.「細かいフィルター、粗いフィルター」アプローチ
- Rumen contents of the sika deer in Wakayama Prefecture, southern Honshu: a new demonstration of latitudinal variations of the food habits
- Sexual dimorphism of Apodemus speciosus in wild populations
- Food habits and home range use of Japanese macaques on an island inhabited by deer
- Food habits of sambar Cervus unicolor at the Horton Plains National Park, Sri Lanka
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- 家畜化ゾウに関する国際会議に参加して
- Assessment of nutritional condition in sika deer by color of femur and mandible marrows
- ロードキル展の記録 (平成22年度麻布大学研究成果報告)
- 「草原の国の動物たち:モンゴル」展の記録 (平成22年度麻布大学研究成果報告)
- モンゴル森林ステップ帯の草本類のバイオマス推定
- アファンの森における哺乳類の自動撮影記録
- Working with mahouts to explore the diet of work elephants in Myanmar (Burma)
- Effects of defoliation and digging caused by sika deer on the Oze mires of central Japan
- 野生動物学実習の現状と改善に関する集会
- A comparison of diet and digestion between sika deer and Japanese serow in northern Japan
- Interannual Variation in Nut Abundance Is Related to Agonistic Interactions of Foraging Female Japanese Macaques (Macaca fuscata)
- フクロウが運んできたもの : 高校生の大学体験実習
- ポイント枠法の評価 : コメント
- Rumen contents of the sika deer in Wakayama Prefecture, southern Honshu : A new demonstration of latitudinal variations of the food habits
- 麻布大学大学祭特別企画 「東日本大震災 : 森と海のつながりを考える」の記録
- ポイント枠法の評価 : コメント
- 日本哺乳類学会を思う : 台北大会を終え, 「『哺乳類科学』を思う」を回顧しながら
- 哺乳類の食べ物2 : 2つの動物の食性比較
- Correlation between genetic diversity and neonatal weight of sika deer (Cervus nippon) fawns
- Food composition of the harvest mouse (Micromys minutus) in a western suburb of Tokyo, Japan, with reference to frugivory and insectivory
- 雑食性哺乳類の食性分析のためのポイント枠法の評価 : 中型食肉目の事例
- Designs to reduce the effect of body heat on temperature sensor in board house of GPS radio-collar
- シカに採食された植物片の粉砕過程
- 伊予鹿島のシカの群サイズ〔英文〕
- アファンの森における哺乳類の自動撮影記録
- 岩手県五葉山のシカの外部計測-1-
- 麻布大学大学祭特別企画 「東日本大震災 : 森と海のつながりを考える」の記録