奈良県吉野郡下北山村に見られるユビナガコウモリ (Miniopterus fuliginosus) 冬眠群の移動 : (1) 出産・子育て場所
- 論文の詳細を見る
Among about 8, 000 over-wintering bent-winged bats, Miniopterus fuliginosus, 877♂1, 278♀were put bat-rings at the abandoned tunnel for power station in Shimokuwabara, Shimokitayama-Mura, Nara-Prefecture, on February and March, 2000. A capture survey of bent-winged bats was carried out at Senzyojiki cave, Shirahama-Cho, Wakayama Prefecture on 13^<th> of July, 2003. Captured 156 bats were all female, and 155 bats of them seemed to be suckling. The ten bats (6.41%) of 156 had the bat-ring that we had put at the cave in Shimokitayama-Mura in 2000. The interval estimates of the ratio on 95% confidence limit seemed to be 2.57% to 10.25%. Counting of the bat number at the entrance of the Shirahama cave showed about 20, 000 bats inhabited in the cave in July 2003. From ratios of the interval estimates, the population of the females from the Shimokitayama-Mura cave was seemed to be from 514 to 2, 050 bats. On the other hand, the actual number after over 3 years of females attached rings in Shimokitayama-Mura was seemed to be 575 bats on the basis of the survival rate in Akiyosi-dai, Yamaguti Prefecture (Kuramoto and Uchida, 1991). These findings and results indicate that many or most of the females that dwell in winter at the abandoned tunnel in Shimokitayama-Mura seems to move to the Shirahama cave 72 km apart from Shimokitayam-Mura cave for parturition and nursing.
- 2004-03-31
鈴木 和男
前田 喜四雄
徐 華
井上 龍一
津村 真由美
前田 喜四雄
前田 喜四雄
Maeda Kishio
Center For Natural Environment Education Nara University Of Education
鈴木 和男
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