- 論文の詳細を見る
Pathophysiology of sound localization in stroke patients is reviewed. The mechanism of sound localization in humans has been eagerly studied and was explained at first as internaural time difference (ITD) or internaural intensity (pressure) difference (IID). Then the concept of a sound transfer function was introduced and a three dimensional system for testing using a headphone became available. Now, three test methods are utilized: speaker method, headphone method with ITD or IID, or headphone method with transfer function. The majority of the studies found disturbance of sound localization in stroke patients. Stroke patients having either a right or left hemispheric lesion less accurately identified the direction of sound than healthy subjects. In some studies, patients showed a systematic (relative) error in discrimination of direction. The term "systematic error" is used when the answered direction consistently deviated to one direction, clockwise or counterclockwise. Clockwise systematic deviation was frequently encountered in patients with a right hemispheric lesion. This phenomenon is closely related to hemispatial visual neglect. Disturbance of sound localization in stroke patients seems to be composed of two elements. The first cause is decreased accuracy of discrimination of direction. This phenomenon can be brought about by damage in either the right or left side of the brain. The second element is a systematic error that may be one expression of symptoms of hemispatial neglect. In clinical situations, a patient may manifest both elements, or possibly only one of the two elements. Higher cortical function concerning sound localization is not fully understood now. Further research may build a comprehensive theory for hemispatial neglect, including sound localization.
- 社団法人日本リハビリテーション医学会の論文
- 1999-04-18
- 618 脳卒中片麻痺の長期予後に影響する因子(成人中枢神経疾患)
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- II-F-7 三次元音再生装置RSS-10によるヘッドフォン音像定位検査の信頼性
- Stroke Impairment Assessment Set (SIAS)における運動項目と感覚項目の妥当性の検討
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- 脳血管障害患者における音の方向覚障害の経時変化
- 脳血管障害患者の聴空間における主観的正中知覚
- 脳血管障害患者の聴空間における主観的正中知覚
- 脳血管障害後片麻痺患者の在宅生活における転倒調査
- 脳血管障害者における音の方向覚障害の経時変化
- 脳卒中患者における運動麻痺の長期予後
- 作業活動の満足度
- 脳血管障害患者と健常者の音の方向覚
- 半側視空間無視患者の音の方向覚
- 半側視空間無視患者の音の方向覚
- 脳血管障害患者における音の方向覚 : 健常者との比較
- 22. 脳卒中機能障害評価 Stroke Impairment Assessment Set (SIAS) : (1)使用経験と有用性について
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- Functional Assessment Measure(FAM)の使用経験--ADLおよびIADL評価法としての有用性
- 606 脳卒中片麻痺の機能評価と座位バランス(成人中枢神経疾患)
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- 218. 片麻痺の車椅子駆動動作における傍脊柱筋の筋活動
- 85. 脳卒中片麻痺患者の歩行時における傍脊柱筋筋活動の左右差について
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