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Pure-line cultivars and multiline cultivars for disease control Recently, plant breeders have begun to pay atten-tion to the multiline-cultivar concept fcr controlling disease losses in self-pollinated crops. In the past, strict genotypic and phenotypic uniformity was required for the agronomic traits of cultivars, and disease resistance was no exception. When the pure-line cultivar with a single genotype for resistance was widely grown, new races of a patho-gen, that could parasitize this resistance, became selectively more prevalent, and the effectiveness of the newly developed commercial resistance was quickly lost. Plant breeders were forced to search for different resistance genes that were effective against the virulent races. This type of cycle was repeated frequently in the breeding of most self-pollinated crops. Genetic uniformity fcr disease resistance in the host population caused the uni-formity of new virulent reces in the pathogen population. Consequently, the life of a new crop cultivar was oftentimes as short as 3 to 5 years.
- 日本育種学会の論文
- 1974-04-30
- 戻し交雑後代のレース反応を利用したイネ品種のいもち病真性抵抗性遺伝子型の推定法
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- いもち病抵抗性の遺伝子分析のための多菌系接種法
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- イネの日・印交雑によって新たに導入したいもち病抵抗性遺伝子
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- 水稲品種農林8号に誘発した早生突然変異の遺伝分析
- イネの遠縁交雑に由来する雌性不稔
- いもち病抵抗性遺伝子P_i-z^tに関するイネの同質遺伝子系統の育成
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