The Thirring Model in the Indefinite-Metric Framework
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The Thirring model is discussed in the indefinite-metric quantum field theory. A new operator solution is presented. There exist various possible subsidiary conditions under which positive (semi-)definite physical Hilbert space is defined. In some cases our solution reduces to other forms of solutions proposed previously on the positive-definite Hilbert space H_<phys>. Poincare generators are constructed explicitly in terms of the operator language. By making a comparison between the Hamiltonians, we show that the Thirring model is equivalent to the massless fusion system and also to the massless free fermion system on H_<physgt. It is discussed under the mass-perturbation assumption to what extend the equivalence between the massive Thirring and the sine-Gordon models holds.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1982-03-25
Department of Physics, Kanazawa University
Suzuki Tsuneo
Department Of Forensic Medicine Yamagata University School Of Medicine
Tameike Seiichi
Department Of Physics Kanazawa University
Department of Physics, Kanazawa University:On leave from Department of Physics, Kyushu University
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