Critical Exponent Induced by Impurity Effect
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A new critical exponent associated with impurity effect is introduced in the case of wave-number dependent susceptibility G(q) at T=T_c. The G(q) is expanded up to a^2 (a is a parameter representing the strength of impurity effect) and is shown to take a form G(q)=Aq^<-2+η>+Bq^<-2+ηi>. An exponent η_i is studied in the limit n→∞ and also up to ε^2 in the scheme of ε expansion for the quenched system. It turns out that the results obtained by two methods are consistent.
- 一般社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1979-11-25
Abe Ryuzo
Department Of Emergency And Critical Care Medicine Chiba University Graduate School Of Medicine
ABE Ryuzo
Department of Pure and Applied Sciences College of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo
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