1/n Expansion up to Order 1/n^2. I : Equation of State and Correlation Function
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This paper is concerned with a generalization of Abe and Hikami's theory which deals with the terms up to 1/n in the scheme of 1/n expansion. By extending their calculations by one more order, the general expressions for the equation of state and for the correlation function are derived up to the order 1/n^2. Results are expressed by means of a number of diagrams.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1978-06-25
Okabe Yutaka
Department Of Applied Chemistry Science And Engineering Waseda University
Abe Ryuzo
University Of Tokyo
OKU Michiyoshi
University of Tokyo
OKABE Yutaka
Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tokyo
ABE Ryuzo
Department of Pure and Applied Sciences College of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo
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