The Decay Interaction of K_<μ3> and K_<e3> and Fermi Interaction
Department of Physics, Hiroshima University
Wakasa Akira
Department Of Physics Kanazawa University
Yonezawa Minoru
Department Of Physics Hiroshima University
Furuichi Susumu
Department Of Physics Hiroshima University
Furuichi Susumu
Department Of Neurosurgery Yao Tokushukai Hospital
KODAMA Tatsuro
Department of Physics, Hiroshima University
Department of Physics, Hiroshima University
Kodama Tatsuro
Department Of Physics Hiroshima University
Sugahara Yoshiko
Department Of Physics Hiroshima University
Deparment of Physics, Rikkyo University
- One-Boson-Exchange Modes and Two- and Three-Pion Exchange in Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction. I
- Chapter 3 One-Boson-Exchange Model
- Inelastic Process and the One Boson Exchange Model. II
- Inelastic Process and the One-Boson-Exchange Model
- Boson Levels and Composite Model. II
- Hard Core and Absorption in a Two-Channel Model for Proton-Proton Collision
- Absorption Correction in High Energy Photoproduction of π^+
- The Chou-Yang Model and High Energy p-p Elastic Scattering
- A Possible N-Δ Resonance with T=1 and J^p=2^- near Threshold
- A Partial-Wave Analysis of P+P→π^++d Reaction from Threshold to T_L=578 MeV
- On the Contributions from Heavy Pseudoscalar Mesons to the Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction
- Effects of the Form Factors in the One-Boson-Exchange Model of Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering
- Experimental Estimate for the Left-Hand-Cut Contributions in Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering
- Dispersion Theoretic Calculation of Two-Pion-Exchange Contribution in Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering. I : Formulations and General Results of Numerical Calculation
- Dispersion Theoretic Calculation of the Two-Pion-Exchange Contribution in Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering. II : Detailed Investigation by Comparison with the OBEC Amplitude
- NΔ→NΔ Amplitude and a Possible Narrow Dibaryon Resonance with J^P=2^+
- Partial-Wave Amplitudes of Elastic πd Scattering : Particles and Fields
- Non-Strange Dibaryon with J^P=2^- and I=1
- Analysis of the Dibaryon Resonances with J^P=2^+ and 3^- by a Three-Channel (pp, NΔ, πd) K-Matrix Method
- Pion-Deuteron Elastic Scattering Amplitudes in T_π^L=117〜325 MeV Region(Progress Letters)
- Partial-Wave Amplitudes of pp-π^+d Process from Its Threshold to T^L_p=810MeV(Nuclear Physics)
- Partial Wave Analysis of pp→π^+d Reaction in the Energy Region T_L^P ≤ 810 MeV
- Phase Shift Analysis of π-d Elastic Scattering in the Momentum Region p_L^π=245 MeV/c~539 MeV/c
- Some Considerations on the Weak Interaction
- Chapter 3 Mass Formula in the SAKATA Model(Part II. The Composite Model for Elementary Particles)
- Dynamical Electroweak Symmetry Breaking with Color-Sextet Quarks : Particles and Fields
- On the Radiative Muon Decay
- On the Unification of Hadronic and Leptonic Weak Interactions
- Primary Choroid Plexus Papilloma of the Foramen Magnum : Case Report
- On the Non-Leptonic Decay Process
- A Possible Symmetry in Sakata's Model for Bosons-Baryons System. III
- π_8^0-η_1 Mixing
- Mass Formula for Hadrons and a Nonet Scheme for Mesons
- Dispersion Relations for the Electromagnetic Form Factors as a Synthesis of Hadron and Quark Dynamics : Particles and Fields
- Pion-Pion Correlation Effect in Two-Pion-Exchange Contribution for Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering
- Uncorrelated Two Pion Effects in the Superconvergent Dispersion Relation for the Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors : Particles and Fields
- Chapter 4 Dispersion Theoretic Approach
- Partial Wave Dispersion Relation with Inelastic Cut and Pion-Pion Scattering in the 1 GeV Region
- Pion Form Factor and Possible Heavy Vector Meson
- Realistic Spectral Function for Iso-Vector Part and Asymptotic Behaviour of Nucleon Form Factor
- Two-Pion-Exchange Contribution to Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering on the Basis of Pion-Pion Dynamics
- Note on the Iso-Vector Part of the Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors
- Effect of Nucleon Higher Resonances on the Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors
- Analysis of Pion-Pion Scattering through Chew-Mandelstam Equation
- Exact Treatment of (π+π⟷N+N^^-) Amplitude and Electromagnetic Structure of Nucleon
- Remarks on S-Wave Pion-Pion Scattering
- Dispersion Relation Analysis of the Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors with Uncorrelated ππ and KK^^- Pairs : Particles and Fields
- Kinematical Considerations on Three-Pion-Exchange Contributions in Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering
- On the Fundamental Concepts in the Theory of Elementary Particles. II : Present Problems
- A Remark on the Effect of Higher π-N Resonances on the ππ→NN^^- Amplitude
- Di-Baryon Resonances and a New Scheme of Di-Nucleon Regge Trajectories
- N/D Analysis of ^1D_2 Diproton through Coupled pp, π^+d and NΔ Channels
- Channel Coupling Effects and Resonance Phenomena
- On the Spins and Decay Interactions of K_ and K_^
- The Decay Interaction of K_ and K_ and Fermi Interaction
- Effect of Higher πN Resonances to Subtraction Constant in the ππ→NN^^- Dispersion Relation
- Pion-Pion Interaction
- Superconvergent Dispersion Relation for the Boson Electromagnetic Form Factor : Particles and Feilds
- One-Boson-Exchange Modes and Two- and Three-Pion Exchange in Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering. II
- Theory of Mass Reversal in the Quantized Field Theory
- On the Mass Reversal in the Quantized Field Theory
- Inelastic Process and the One-Boson-Exchange Model. III : Effects of the Form Factors in Proton-Proton Collision at 1~2 GeV
- Evidence of Short-Range Repulsive Spin-Orbit Components in the Proton-Proton Interaction
- On the Phase-Shift Solution in the Diproton Resonance Region : P_L = 1.2〜1.7 GeV/c
- Phase-Shift Analysis of Proton-Proton Scattering at P_L=12 GeV/c
- A Phase-Shift Analysis of Proton-Proton Scattering at P_L=6GeV/c
- Proton-Proton Scattering Amplitudes at P_L=6 GeV/c : A Semi Phenomenological Phase-Shift Analysis
- Energy Dependence of the Slope of the Forward Peak in Elastic Proton-Proton Scattering
- An Infinite-One-Boson-Exchange Type Model for High-Energy Elastic Proton-Proton Scattering
- On the Shrinkage of Forward Peaks of Elastic Proton-Proton Scattering
- Remarks on Pion-Pion Resonance
- Combined Studies of πN and NN Scattering and Electromagnetic Form Factor of Nucleon Based on the ππ Dynamics
- The τ^+-decay and the Boson Isobar with I=2 of the Sakata Model
- Low-Energy Pomeron
- Threshold Behaviour of Partial-Wave Dispersion Relation
- Effects of Mass Width of Bosons on Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering
- Structure of the Two-Pion-Exchange Contribution in Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering
- On the Possible Role of π^0´-Meson in Decay Process
- The Single Pion Production Process in π^--p Collision at 1 Bev and the Sakata Model
- Mass Levels of Baryons and Mesons
- The Effect of Channel Coupling on the Real Phase Shift
- Iso-Scalar Part of Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors
- On the Effect of Higher π-N Resonances on N-N Scattering
- Coupled Partial-Wave-Dispersion-Relation for Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering and ρ- and ω-meson Contributions
- Dispersion Theoretic Treatment for Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering at Large Impact Parameter
- Three-Pion-Exchange Contribution to Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering through Simple 3π-NN Diagrams
- Does π-N Scattering Show the Dip Structure in the Differential Cross Section at the FNAL Energy Region?
- Amplitudes of Disconnected Quark Diagrams
- On Disconnected Quark Diagram