Analysis of Inclusive Δ^<++>(1236) Resonance Production through Higher Mass Baryon Resonance Spectra
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An attempt is presented to describe the inclusive spectra of the Δ^<++>(1236) by the production mechanism where the Δ^<++> is the decay product of a diffractively produced system. By the use of the Mueller-Regge formalism and the Breit-Wigner formula, various characteristics of the Δ^<++> are well reproduced in terms of the intermediate production of N^*(1780), N^*(1860) and N^*(1990), in addition to N^*(1470) and N^*(1688) whose signals were clearly seen in the experimental (Δ^<++>π^-) mass distribution.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1975-06-25
Ohba Ichiro
Department Of Applied Physics Waseda University
Nakamura Atsushi
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Science Fukuoka University
OHBA Ichiro
Dapartment of Physics, Waseda University
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