- 論文の詳細を見る
A root-boring insect, Cheilosia yesonica MATSUMURA, has recently caused serious damage to the Japanese butter-bur, Petasites japonicus MIQ. Observations on the bionomics of Cheilosia yesonica in butter-bur planted fields were carried out in 1969 to 1971. The newly hatched larvae bored into the lower portions of the butter-bur stalk in autumn and burrowed their way into the root. They passed the winter as young larvae without any hibernation although development was slower during the winter. They fed sufficiently on root material from spring to early summer and reached maturity in the tunnels in summer. Pupation took place in the larval tunnels. The time of maximum abundance of adults in naturally infested field was from late-August to September. The adults laid their eggs near the base of the stalks. The larvae hatched after about two weeks. The development of Cheilosia yesonica was completed in one year. In forced field cultures of the butter-bur plant for the winter to early spring production, the adults emerged in spring. This phenomenon may be attributed to influences of soil-temper-ature conditions subsequent to the use of polyetylene film facilities for forced culture.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1972-12-25
今村 三郎
浅山 哲
渡辺 昌久
今村 三郎
尾崎 典光
渡辺 昌久
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