テクストの観点から見た英語の文章構成について : Quirk et al.(1985)第19章に基づいて
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The purpose of this paper is to deal with the construction of English passages from a textual point of view, based on Chapter19 'From Sentence to Text', Quirk et al. (1985). In particular, we will focus on considering conditions of English passages for effective communication. Along these lines, we first understand the notion of 'text' and connective devices such as lexical linkage, time relators, and discourse reference. Then, we confirm the notion of 'text' and the roles of such connective devices, investigating three examples: a fictional memoir, a conversation among friends, and an exposition concerning the format of a friendly letter. Finally, after a summation, we make some comments about such a textual grammar's great contribution to effective English composition and draw a picture of English grammar in its entirety by taking traditional, generative, and functional grammars into consideration.
- 宇都宮大学の論文
- 1998-03-01
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