- 論文の詳細を見る
This article aims to compare English noun phrases with Japanese noun phrases in terms of internal structure and syntactic distribution, to capture various facts by using a generative-dynamic theory of grammar, and to suggest that this theory can make some substantive contribution to the learning of English as a foreign language. First, we survey similarities and differences in the internal structure and syntactic distribution of noun phrases between English and Japanese. Take a look at several examples. From the viewpoint of internal structure, both languages comply with the basic X-bar theory which ensures that noun phrases are built around head nouns and have tri-level structures, but they differ from each other in the position of a head in noun phrase: it is said that English is a head-initial language while Japanese is a head-final language. There is also a difference between the English derived nominal Nero's destruction of Rome (perfectly acceptable) and the Japanese derived nominal Nero no Roma no hakai (less acceptable). From the viewpoint of syntactic distribution, on the other hand, noun phrases of both languages appear in subject position or object position, but there is a clear contrast between the English apposition He came down here at 60 miles an hour, a silly thing to try, and the Japanese apposition Kare wa zisoku 60 mairu de koko o kudattekita, bakageta kokoromi. Focusing on English derived nominals, we can find the strange fact that they most frequently occur in the position of a prepositional object throughout the history of English. Then, in order to explain these facts in English and Japanese concerning adult grammar, first language acquisition, linguistic typology, and language history, we propose that the notion of temporal dimension should be incorporated into the theory of generative grammar. This theory of grammar has the following several assumptions /characteristics: (A) basic X-bar theory (hierarchical structure) (B) incorporation of temporal dimension into linguistic theory (C) reference to each stage of language acquisition (D) 'is based on' relation: from basic to derivative (E) cumulative and positive application of principles (F) minimal steps (G) functional motivation (H) Universality basically lies in extension, not principles with parameters. Finally, we suggest that this generativedynamic theory of grammar can make some contribution to the learning of English (grammar) and translation from English into Japanese.
- 2002-10-01
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