- 論文の詳細を見る
We tried a primary culture of the pancreatic acinar cells of a guinea-pig, and studied whether the ion channel is expressed in the cultured acinar cells using a patch-clamp technique. 24 hours after seeding the cells secretory granules and K^+ channel did exist in the acinar cells of both groups : those cultured with horse serum or calf serum. The single-channel conductances of K^+ channel were about 30pS for horse serum and about 37pS for calf serum, respectively. The surviving number of the acinar cells and the appearance percentage of the channel of the acinar cells cultured with calf serum were higher than that for horse serum. The appearance percentage of the channel was lowered by using a high concentration of fungizone (1.2μg/ml) in both serums. These results suggest that the acinar cells cultured with calf serum and a low concentration of fungizone would be useful to study the secretion mechanism of ionic fluid from the pancreatic acinar cells.
- 東海大学の論文
- 1998-03-30
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