養殖マダイの化学成分の変動に関する研究 : VII 養殖マダイの無機成分含量の成長段階別,産地別および養成方法別比較並びに天然魚との比較
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Differences in the mineral contents of cultured red sea bream of different growth stages, localities, and culture methods were investigated, and a comparison was also made between those fish and thewild ones. The following results were obtained. (1) The contents of P, Fe, Mg, Na and K were nearly constant regardless of growth. The Ca content slightly decreased with growth. (2) The content of P in the meat was slightly higher in the cultured fish than in the wild fish. On the other hand, that in viscera was higher in the latter than in the former. The Fe content was high inthe meat of cultured fish. There were no appreciable differences in the contents of Ca, Na, and Mg in the meat between cultured and wild fish. (3) Fish raised on moist pellets containing more Na amount than fish raised on sardines, whereas the Ca content was high in the latter. (4) No remarkable difference was seen in the mineral contents between fish raised in a marifarm and fish cultivated in net cages. (5) The mineral contents in the meat of the analyzed fish differed in value from those listed in the standard tables of food composition in Japan.
- 三重大学の論文
荒木 利芳
森下 達雄
森下 達雄
宇野 和明
荒木 利芳
三重大学 生物資源学研究科
宇野 和明
宇野 和明
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