- 論文の詳細を見る
A wide variety of methods are used in fattening cattle at Japan. Choice grade beef to use as a "Sukiyaki" (beef cooked in Japanese style) are produced by long feeding, which the feeding period to reach nearly year or more, and generally termed a "Ideal fattening" (Riso-hiiku). The conditions of feeder cattle which are used in this fattening are as follows. 1) Breed : Japanese Black Breed of Cattle. 2) Sex : Heifer. 3) Age : About 36 to 62 month. 4) Weight : About 375 to 450Kg. 5) Weight of aim at finished : About 550 to 600Kg. At this day, Kamigamo in Kyoto is noted for its producing district of best fattening cattle. The writer investigated for the kind and amount of feeding stuffs, and method of management in fattening cattle at Kamigamo. The main point of data obtained by this investigation are as follows. (1) The kinds of feeding stuffs such as wheat bran, rice bran (oil extracted), polished naked barley, rice straw and polished rice (finishing only) are used commonly. In addition to these, soybean-oil cake, green grass, naked barley bran and remnant of Tofu (bean-curd) are used comparatively. Amounts of these feeding stuffs per day per head are shown in Table 1. All of the feeding stuffs except green grass are always used on the boil or steam with boiling waters. (2) Consumption per 1000Kg. body weight of dry matter, digestive crude protein and total digestive nutrient were calculated from this data, and compared with MORRISON'S or KELLNER'S feeding standard. Consequently, it seems to be fairly low. In other words, it seems that the "Ideal fattening" is fed with relatively small amount of nutrients and longer feeding of period than the foreign cases. [table]
- 京都府立大学の論文
- 1953-09-01
- 青刈飼料としてのレンゲに関する研究 : I. 刈取時期と成分の関係
- 肥育牛沈着脂肪の脂肪酸組成(農学部門)
- 粗飼料成分に対する一般分析法と Van Soest 法の比較 : II イネ科およびマメ科粗飼料における比較(農学部門)
- 粗飼料成分に対する一般分析法と Van Soest 法の比較 : I 刈取時期を異にするエンバクおよびイタリアンライグラスにおける比較(農学部門)
- 穀類の粉砕および煮沸処理が, 反すう動物の第 1 胃内揮発性脂肪酸産生ならびに飼料の消化率におよぼす影響(農学部門)
- 易利用性炭水化物の給与が, 反すう動物第 1 胃内揮発性脂肪酸の産生におよぼす影響(in vitro 試験)(農学部門)
- 大麦の多給および煮沸処理がめん羊第四胃内へのでんぷん移行量におよぼす影響〔英文〕
- 穀類の粉砕および煮沸処理が,反すう動物の第1胃内揮発性脂肪酸産生ならびに飼料の消化率におよぼす影響
- 易利用性炭水化物の給与が,反すう動物第1胃内揮発性脂肪酸の産生におよぼす影響(in vitro試験)
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