R-R Interval histogram からみた心臓機能の観察
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Heart rate is usually used as an indicator of energy metabolism in exercise, since it has a high correlation with oxygen consumption in the living body. However, it is regulated by many factors; autonervous system, CO_2 and O_2 concentration in blood, venous return, intrinsic myocardial rhythm, body temperature, hormones. Then, its rhythm is not the same as usal. Training effect on heart rate is well-known fact to bring about decrease of heart rate at rest. However, analysis of its rhythm is not carried out enough. This study was designed to investigate myocardial function by the R-R interval histogram in various experimental conditions. The following results were observed : 1. R-R interval histogram of long distance runner was independent of normal healthy subjects. 2. In the R-R interval histogram showed the same heart rate, young subject has large deviation rather than old. 3. Respiration rate in rest was one of the factors to change R-R interval histogram and its rate was more than 30R.R./min. 4. R-R interval histogram of steady state in exercise was strictly narrow deviation and suggested that one of factors dominantly regulated the rhythm of heart rate. Immediately after exercise there were two peaks in R-R interval histogram : one was thought to derive from fast component and other was slow component which had reported by Brodan et al. 5. Effect of exercise intensities on R-R interval histogram appeared to produce short R-R interval in a given period.
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