<研究報告>日本産イトアミジ(アミジグサ目, 掲藻)の生殖器官の形態
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Sporophytes, and both female and male gametophytes of Dictyota linearis (C. Agardh) Greville were collected from the Japan Sea coast of Japan. Game-tophytes are reported for the first time at the present study. Tetrasporangia, oogonia and antheridia are produced on both sides of the upper and middle parts of a blade. Tetrasporangia are produced separated from each other, and do not form a sorus. They are spherical and project on the cortical layer with a single stalk cell at the base. An oogonial sorus projects on the cortical layer with 1-2 layers of sterile cells in the peripheral area, and it is composed of 8-25 oogonia. Oogonium is long obovate with a single stalk cell at the base. An antheridial sorus is swollen above the cortex, and enclosed with 2-4 layers of sterile cells. Antheridium forms on a single basal stalk cell. Although tetrasporophyte and gametophytes are similar in external appearance when immature, they can be easily distinguished from each other by the shape and color of their sori when mature.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 1997-12-22
田中 次郎
Department of Botany, National Science Museum
田中 次郎
Department Of Botany National Science Museum
北山 太樹
Department Of Botany National Science Museum
佐野 史子
Department of Aquatic Biosciences, Tokyo University of Fisheries
佐野 史子
田中 次郎
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