Effect of Zinc Deficiency on the Behavior of Metallothionein-I, II Knockout Mice
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2010-12-31
SAIJO Yasuaki
Department of Health Science, Asahikawa Medical College
佐藤 洋
SATOH Masahiko
Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Health Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Aichi Gakuin University
SATOH Hiroshi
Environmental Health Science, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Scien
佐藤 洋
佐藤 洋
佐藤 洋
Kameo Satomi
Environmental Health Sciences Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kameo Satomi
東北大学 医学系研究科環境保健医学
Itoh Toshihiro
Department Of Health Science Asahikawa Medical College
NAKAI Kunihiko
Environmental Health Science, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
Nakai K
Environmental Health Sciences Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Nakai Kunihiko
Department Of Environmental Health Sciences Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
NAKAGI Yoshihiko
Department of Health Science, Asahikawa Medical College
Satoh Masahiko
Department Of Hygienics Gifu Pharmaceutical University
Imai Hirohisa
Department Of Epidemiology National Institute Of Public Health
Yoshida Takahiko
Department Of Health Science Asahikawa Medical College
Yoshida Takahiko
Department Of Environmental Health Division Of Community And Environmental Health Tokai University S
Yoshida Takahiko
Department Of Health Science Asahikawa Medical College Midorigaoka
Sugioka Yoshihiko
Department Of Health Science Asahikawa Medical College
Satoh H
Tohoku Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine Sendai
Satoh Chieko
Environmental Health Sciences Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Saijo Yasuaki
Department Of Health Science Asahikawa Medical College Midorigaoka
Saijo Yasuaki
Department Of Health Science Asahikawa Medical College
Satoh Hiroshi
Environmental Health Sciences Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
佐藤 洋
Sakamoto Maya
Department Of Oral Diagnosis And Radiology Tohoku University Graduate School Of Dentistry
Satoh H
Environmental Health Sciences Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Naganuma Akira
Laboratory Of Molecular And Biochemical Toxicology Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Science Tohoku
Satoh Masahiko
Laboratory Of Hygienic Chemistry And Molecular Toxicology Gifu Pharmaceutical University
Naganuma Akira
Laboratory Of Molecular And Biochemical Toxicology Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tohoku
Satoh Hiroshi
Department Of Environmental Health Sciences Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Satoh Hiroshi
Environmental Health Science Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Satoh Hiroshi
Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Satoh Hiroshi
Department Of Public Health And Forensic Medicine Division Of Environmental Health Sciences Tohoku U
Satoh Hiroshi
The Tohoku Journal Of Experimental Medicine
Satoh Hiroshi
Department Of Environmental Health Sciences Tohoku University School Of Medicine
Naganuma Akira
Laboratory Of Molecular And Biochemical Toxicology Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tohoku
Satoh Chieko
Enviromental Health Sciences Tohoku University School Of Medicine
Satoh Hiroshi
Enviromental Health Sciences Tohoku University School Of Medicine
Nakagi Yoshihiko
Department Of Health Science Asahikawa Medical College
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