Current status of chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced pancreatic cancer in Japan
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-04-01
Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Oncology Division, National Cancer Center Hospital
Ioka Tatsuya
Ioka Tatsuya
Pancreatic And Hepatobiliary Oncology Division Osaka Medical Center For Cancer And Cardiovascular Di
ITO Yoshinori
Radiation Oncology Division, National Cancer Center Hospital
Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Oncology Division, National Cancer Center Hospital East
YAMADA Shigeru
Research Center Hospital for Charged Particle Therapy, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
ISHII Hiroshi
Department of Gastroenterology, Cancer Institute Ariake Hospital
Department of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
SHINCHI Hiroyuki
Department of Surgical Oncology and Digestive Surgery, Kagoshima University
Furuse Junji
Hepatobiliary And Pancreatic Oncology Division National Cancer Center Hospital East
Shibuya Keiko
Department Of Therapeutic Radiology And Oncology Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medicine
Okusaka Takuji
Hepatobiliary And Pancreatic Oncology Division National Cancer Center Hospital
Okusaka T
Hepatobiliary And Pancreatic Oncology Division National Cancer Center Hospital
Shinchi Hiroyuki
Department Of Surgical Oncology And Digestive Surgery Field Of Oncology Course Of Advanced Therapeut
Shinchi Hiroyuki
Department Of Surgical Oncology And Digestive Surgery Kagoshima University
Shibuya Keiko
Department Of Radiation Oncology And Image-applied Therapy Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medic
Yamada Shigeru
Research Center For Charged Particle Therapy National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Yamada Shigeru
Research Center Hospital For Charged Particle Therapy National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Ioka Tatsuya
Department Of Hepatobiliary And Pancreatic Oncology Osaka Medical Center For Cancer And Cardiovascul
National Cancer Center Hospital East
Yamada Shigeru
Research Center For Advanced Science And Technology The University Of Tokyo
Ishii Hiroshi
Department Of Gastroenterology Cancer Institute Ariake Hospital
Ishii Hiroshi
Department Of Chemical Science And Engineering Tokyo National College Of Technology
Ito Yoshinori
Radiation Oncology Division National Cancer Center Hospital
Shinchi Hiroyuki
Department Of Health Sciences Kagoshima University School Of Medicine
Okusaka Takuji
Hepatobiliary And Pancreatic Oncology And Hepatobiliary And Pancreatic Surgery Divisions National Cancer Center Hospital
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