Fabrication of Au Nano-ring Arrays Using Anodic Aluminum Oxide Film as RF-sputtering Mask
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2004-09-15
越崎 直人
KWON Young-Soo
Department of Electrical Engineering & NTRC, Dong-A University
Kwon Young-soo
Department Of Electrical Engineering & Ntrc Dong-a University
越崎 直人
Koshizaki Naoto
Nanoarchitectonics Research Center (narc) National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Tech
Koshizaki Naoto
Nanoarchitectonics Research Center Aist
JUNG Kyung-Han
Department of Electrical Engineering, Dong-A University
YOON Jong-Won
CIIPMS, Dong-A University
Yoon Jong-won
Ciipms Dong-a University
Jung Kyung-han
Department Of Electrical Engineering Dong-a University
Yoon J‐w
Center For Agricultural Biomaterials National Laboratory For Functional Food Carbohydrates And Depar
Kwon Young-soo
Department Of Electrical Of Engineering & Ciipms Dong-a University
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