Comparison of Surface Structures between Extended and Condensed Stages of Barley Chromosomes Revealed with Atomic Force Microscopy
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2005-03-25
FUKUI Kiichi
Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Faculty of Human Development, Kobe University
Division of Microscopic Anatomy and Bio-imaging, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and D
Ohmido Nobuko
Hokuriku Natl. Agr. Exp. Stn.
Ohmido Nobuko
Faculty Of Human Development Kobe Univ.
Ushiki Tatsuo
Division Of Microscopic Anatomy And Bio-imaging Department Of Cellular Function Niigata University G
Ushiki Tatsuo
Division Of Microscopic Anatomy And Bio-imaging Department Of Cellular Function Niigata University G
Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University
Division of Microscopic Anatomy and Bio-imaging, Department of Cellular Function, Niigata University
Hokuriku Natl. Agr. Exp. Stn.
FUKUI Kiichi
Hokuriku Natl. Agr. Exp. Stn.
Fukui Kiichi
Department Of Biotechnology Faculty Of Engineering Graduate School Of Osaka University
Hoshi Osamu
Division Of Microscopic Anatomy And Bio-imaging Department Of Cellular Function Niigata University G
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