Developmental Changes in the Structure of the Rat Fetal Lung, with Special Reference to the Airway Smooth Muscle and Vasculature
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2002-03-01
Department of General Medicine, Niigata University Medical and Dental Hospital
GEJYO Fumitake
Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Niigata University
Division of Microscopic Anatomy and Bio-imaging, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and D
Ushiki T
Niigata Univ. Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Sci. Niigata
Ushiki Tatsuo
Division Of Microscopic Anatomy And Bio-imaging Department Of Cellular Function Niigata University G
Ushiki Tatsuo
Suzuki E
Division Of Respiratory Medicine Niigata University Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Sciences
Gejyo F
Division Of Infection Control And Prevention Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Sciences Niigata
Gejyo Fumitake
Department Of Medicine Iigata University School Of Medicine
Gejyo Fumitake
Department Of Clinical And Laboratory Medicine Fukui Medical University
Ushiki T
Niigata Univ. Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Sci. Niigata Jpn
山田 貴穂
Suzuki Eiichi
Department Of Chemistry & Bioengineering Iwate University
Ushiki Tatsuo
Division Of Microscopic Anatomy And Bio-imaging Niigata University Graduate School Of Medical And De
Suzuki Eiichi
Department Of Chemical Engineering Iwate University
Suzuki Eiichi
Department Of Applied Chemistry Tokyo Institute Of Technology
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