Dual Pathways to Tubular Morphogenesis of Vascular Endothelial Cells by Human Glioma Cells : Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor/Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor and Interleukin-8
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1995-12-30
SHONO Tadahisa
Department of Neurosurgery, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
Ono Mayumi
Department Of Pharmaceutical Oncology Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyushu University
KUWANO Michihiko
Departments of Biochemistry, Kyushu University School of Medicine
Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Cancer Research, Kanazawa University
磯野 光夫
大分医科大学 脳外科
Hori S
Kyoto Pharmaceutical Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Hori Shigeaki
Department Of Neurosurgery Oita Medical University
Shono Tadahisa
Department Of Biochemistry Kyushu University School Of Medicine
ISONO Mitsuo
Department of Neurosurgery, Oita Medical University
Department of Neurosurgery, Oita Medical University
Ono Mayumi
Department Of Biochemistry Kyushu University School Of Medicine
Kuwano Michihiko
Department Of Biochemistry And Surgery Oita Medical School
Kuwano Michihiko
Department Of Biochemistry Kyushu University School Of Medicine
Matsushima Kouji
Department Of Allergy And Immunology National Research Institute For Child Health & Development
Isono Mitsuo
Department Of Brain And Nerve Science Oita Medical University
Hori Shigeaki
Department Of Neurosurgery Medical College Of Oita
Wakabayashi Yukihiro
Department Of Neurosurgery Oita Medical University
Wakabayashi Yukihiro
Department Of Neurosurgery Nagatomi Neurosurgical Hospital
Wakabayashi Yukihiro
First Department Of Biochemistry Niigata University School Of Medicine
Department of Neurosurgery, Oita Medical University
Department of Pharmacology, Cancer Research Institute
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