Histological Characteristics of the Pelage Skin of Rough fur Mice (C3H/HeJ-ruf/ruf)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Pelage skin of C3H/HeJ mice homozygous at an autosomal recessive mutant locus, rough fur (ruf) which is located on chromosome 9, was histologically analyzed. Sebaceous glands synthesizing lipids were larger in the mutant mice than in controls in an examination by Sudan IV staining. Electron microscopic analysis of the sebaceous gland showed that lipid droplets were denser in mutant mice than in control mice, and that they were irregular in shape in ruf mice while those of controls were round. Our results suggested that rough fur (ruf) mice might be an animal model for hyperlipogenesis of the pelage skin.
- 社団法人 日本実験動物学会の論文
井上 稔
井上 稔
Shin Nippon Biomedical Laborarories
高岸 芳子
Takagishi Yoshiko
Department Of Teratology And Genetics Research Institute Of Environmental Medicine Nagoya University
Takeuchi Yoko
Department Of Genetics Research Institute Of Environmental Medicine
Takagishi Yoshiko
Research Institute Of Environmental Medicine Nagoya University
早坂 静
PARK Yeong-Gwan
Deparment of Laboratory Animal Science, Division of Veterinary Sciences, Graduate School of Agircult
The Research Institute of Environmental Medicine
The Research Institute of Environmental Medicine
The Research Institute of Environmental Medicine
Deparment of Laboratory Animal Science, Division of Veterinary Sciences, Graduate School of Agircult
ODA Sen-ichi
Gradute School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University
Hayasaka Shizu
Department Of Genetics Research Institute Of Environmental Medicine Nagoya University
Hayasaka Shizu
Research Institute Of Environmental Medicine Nagoya University
井上 稔
大阪府立大学 農生命科研究
Okumoto Masaaki
Deparment Of Laboratory Animal Science Division Of Veterinary Sciences Graduate School Of Agircultur
National Institute for Minamata Disease
Park Yeong-gwan
Deparment Of Laboratory Animal Science Division Of Veterinary Sciences Graduate School Of Agircultur
Oda Sen-ichi
Graduate School Of Agricultural Sciences Nagoya University
Oda Sen-ichi
Laboratory Of Animal Management & Resources Graduate School Of Bio-agricultural Sciences Nagoya
Oda Sen-ichi
The School Of Agricultural Sciences Nagoya University
Oda Sen-ichi
Laboratory Of Animal Management And Resources Graduate School Of Bio-agricultural Sciences Nagoya Un
Oda Sen-ichi
Lab. Animal Management & Resources Nagoya Univ.
Oda Sen-ichi
Nagoya Univ.
Oda Sen-ichi
Laboratory Of Zoology Faculty Of Agriculture Graduate School Kyushu University
Hayasaka Shizu
Hayasaka Shizu
Res. Inst. Environ. Med. Nagoya Univ.
Inouye M
Shin Nippon Biomedical Laborarories
Oda Senichi
Laboratory Of Animal Management And Resources Division Of Biosphere Resource Sciences Nagoya Univers
Inouye M
Shin Nippon Biomedical Lab. Ltd. Kagoshima Jpn
Inouye M
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Inouye M
Research Institute For Environmental Medicine University Of Nagoya
Inouye Minoru
Research Institute Of Environmental Medicine Nagoya University
Inouye Minoru
Pathology Section National Institute For Minamata Disease
井上 稔
Research Institute Of Environmental Medicine Nagoya University
Inouye Minoru
Res. Inst. Environ. Med. Nagoya Univ.
Ohta Sho
Oda Sen-ichi
Graduate School Of Agricultural Sciences Nagoya Univ.
Oda Sen-ichi
School Of Agricultural Sciences Nagoya University
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