Teratology of Heavy Metals : Mercury and Other Contaminants
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本先天異常学会の論文
- 1989-12-30
井上 稔
National Institute for Minamata Disease
Inouye M
Shin Nippon Biomedical Lab. Ltd. Kagoshima Jpn
Inouye M
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Inouye Minoru
Research Institute Of Environmental Medicine Nagoya University
井上 稔
National Institute for Minamata Disease
- スンクスSuncus murinus原始線条期胚形成におけるHNF-3βの発現
- Long-Term Neuropathological Consequences of Low-Dose X-Irradiation on the Developing Rat Cerebellum
- Cell Death in the Developing Rat Cerebellum following X-Lrradiation of 3 to 100 rad: A Quantitative Study
- 塩化メチル水銀がラットおよびマウス胎仔におよぼす影響
- Ochratoxin Aによるマウス大脳発生異常
- 高位型鎖肛モデルマウス(雌雄)の胎仔期における直腸瘻と泌尿生殖器の関係についての検討
- O-572 Bisdiamineによってラットに誘発された横隔膜ヘルニアの発生病理
- 1. Bisdiamine による横隔膜ヘルニアの発生病理(S1 : 出生前診断と対応, 第 14 回日本小児外科学会秋季シンポジウム : 先天性横隔膜ヘルニア)
- Pathogenesis of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Induced by Transplacental Infusion of Bisdiamine into Rats
- D25 ラット横隔膜ヘルニアモデルにおける発生病理
- 15.マウス高位型鎖肛の発生病理(I.発生と解剖, Afternoon Session 高位鎖肛と泌尿器合併症, 小児泌尿器科学, 第9回日本小児外科学会秋季シンポジウム)
- Disturbance of Neuronal Migration in Mouse Cerebral Cortex by Low-Dose Gamma-Radiation
- Gamma-Radiation Produces Abnormal Bergmann Fibers and Ectopic Granule Cells in Mouse Cerebellar Cortex
- Types and Three-dimensional Distribution of Neuronal Ectopias in the Brain of Mice Prenatally Subjected to X-irradiation
- Developmental abnormalities in the hippocampus of rats prenatally exposed to irradiation
- Three-dimensional distribution of neuronal ectopia in mouse brains exposed to radiation in utero
- Different patterns of abnormal neuronal migration in the cerebral cortex of mice prenatally exposed to irradiation
- Neurogenesis of ectopic gray matter in the cerebral cortex of the mouse following prenatal X-irradiation
- 高エネルギー重粒子線とエックス線のラット大脳発生に及ぼす影響の比較
- Histological Characteristics of the Pelage Skin of Rough fur Mice (C3H/HeJ-ruf/ruf)
- Disturbed Purkinje Cell Migration Due to Reduced Expression of Reelin in the Rat Cerebellum Caused by Prenatal Exposure to X-radiation
- Hydrocephalus in Mice Induced by Prenatal Exposure to X-radiation
- Disturbed Purkinje Cell Migration Due to Reduced Expression of Reelin by X-Irradiation in Developing Rat Cerebellum
- The development of the cerebral cortex in the embryonic mouse exposed to irradiation : an electron microscopic study
- Follow up study on histogenesis of microcephaly induced by prenatal γ-irradiation in the mouse
- Hydrocephalus Following Exposure to X-irradiation at Early Gestation Stage in Mice
- Hydrocephalus in Mice Following X-irradiation at Early Gestational Stage : Possibly Due to Persistent Deceleration of Cell Proliferation
- Congenital Hydrocephalus Caused by Exposure to Low Level X-radiation at Early Gestational Stage in Mice
- Integrity of the Blood-Brain Barrin Barrier System against Methylmercury Acute Toxicity
- 小頭症ラットの海馬神経回路の生後発達異常
- Lithium Delays the Radiation-induced Apoptotic Process in External Granule Cells of Mouse Cerebellum
- Radiation-Induced Apoptosis and Developmental Disturbance of the Brain
- Decreased Reelin Expression Causes Ectopic Purkinje Cells o f the Cerebellum Following Prenatal Exuosure to X-radiation
- Hypoplastic Lung Obeserved in Rat with Chemical-Insuced
- Antigen Retrieval of Bromodeoxyuridine by the Combination of Microwaves and Protease in Immunohistochemistry
- Effects of hyperthermia induced by microwave irradiation on brain development in mice
- Split-Dose Effect of X-Irradiation on the Induction of Cell Death in the Fetal Mouse Brain
- 新しく開発された実験動物スンクスの初期発生について
- 83. マウス小脳プルキンエ細胞発生の部域差
- 59. 胎生期X線照射ラットと往復式回避事態における電撃終結遅延効果
- 1. ラットの遺伝性白内障の発生機序
- 3. 胎生期X線被曝によるラット小脳の奇形
- 新生仔期グルタミン酸ソーダ大量投与によるマウスの発育遅延 (第五回毒作用研究会記事)
- 40. 胎生期X線照射によるラット小頭症の成立
- 15. 胎生期X線照射ラットの電撃に対する予期的反応性
- 6. Chlorambucilのマウスにおける催奇形作用のCaffeineによる増強
- ヘア・ダイの一成分2,5-ジアミノトルエンのマウスヘの催奇形作用
- Differential Staining of Cartilage and Bone in Fetal Mouse Skeleton by Alcian Blue and Alizarin Red S
- マウス新生仔に^C-グルタミン酸ソーダ投与後の脳内放射能分布
- 突然変異原MNNGの催奇形性 (第一回毒作用研究会記事)
- アスパラギン酸ソーダによるマウス幼仔および胎仔の脳傷害
- Similarity between the Effects of Carbon-ion Irradiation and X-irradiation on the Development of Rat Brain
- Radial glial cells in the developing brain of mice prenatally exposed to γ-irradiation
- Franctionated-dose effect of X-irradiation on the induction of neural tube defects in mice
- Cortical fiber distribution in the somatosensory cortex of rats following prenatal exposure to X-irradiation
- Role of Mitochondria in Biotransformation of Methylmercury (Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium on Toxicology and Environmental Health)
- Studies on Plasma Methylmercury Compound and Its Brain Uptake (Proceedings of the 16 th Symposium on Environmental Pollutants and Toxicology)
- Sex Difference of Acute Toxicity of Methylmercury in Mice (Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Environmental Pollutants and Toxicology)
- Heat Shock Proteins in Normal and Stressed Mammalian Embryonic Development
- High Incidence of Hydrocephalus Following Prenatal Exposure to X-irradiation at Early Gastational Stage in Mice
- Apoptotic Cell Death and Radiosensitive Phase of Cell Cycle: A Flow Cytometric Study
- Pulmonary Vascular System in Young Mice Using Corrosive Resin Cast Technique
- Effects of different fixatives on immunohistochemical demonstration of midkine using quick-frozen mouse embryonic brains
- AF-2,2-(2-フリル)-3-(5-ニトロ-2-フリル)アクリル酸アミドのマウス胎仔におよぼす影響
- Lithium Modification of Radiation-Induced Apoptotic Process in External Granule Cells of Mouse Cerebellum
- グルタミン酸ソーダ投与をうけたマウス胎仔脳の超微細胞化学的研究
- A Comparison of Effects between Accelerated Heavy
- Dese Response Relationship of Disturbed Migration of Purkinje Cells in the Cerebellum Due to X-Irradiation
- Segregation analysis of animal pedigree data from inter-population crosses
- Analysis of Synaptonemal Complexes Behaviour in the Domestic Goat
- Mapping of the Dilute-Opisthotonus (dop) Gene on Chromosome 8 of the Rat
- The Pathogenesis of Anorectal Malformation Induced by All-Trans Retinoic Acid in Mice
- Effects of prenatal exposure to low-dose n-irradiation from tritiated water on the developing mouse brain
- [SHORT REPORTS]Effects of 2-Methoxyethanol and Methoxyacetic Acid on Preimplantation Mouse Embryos in vivo
- [SHORT REPORTS]Effects of 2-Methoxyethanol and Methoxyacetic Acid on Preimplantation Mouse Embryos in vitro
- Effect of Maternal Treatment with Methylmercury on the Manifestation of Cleft Lip in CL/Fr Mice
- Dose-response effects of 2.45 GHz microwave radiation on the developing mouse brain.
- 塩化メチル水銀がマウス,ラットの胎芽,胎仔におよぼす影響
- Effects of Methylmercury on Avian Primordial Germ Cells In Vitro (Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Environmental Pollutants and Toxicology)
- Stage specific response of mouse embryonic ectoderms to retinoic acid.
- Comments from the Developmental Neurotoxicology Committee of the Japanese Teratology Society on the OECD Guideline for the Testing of Chemicals, Proposal for a New Guideline 426, Developmental Neurotoxicity Study, Draft Document (October 2006 version), an
- Comments from the Behavioral Teratology Committee of the Japanese Teratology Society on OECD Guideline for the Testing of Chemicals, Proposal for a New Guideline 426, Developmental Neurotoxicity Study, Draft Document (September 2003)
- Three-Dimensional Study of the Cerebral Vascular System in Mice Using Corrosive Resin Casts
- 頭蓋の再開裂をおこす形態形成機序についての実験的観察
- N'-メチル-N'-ニトロ-N'-ニトロソグアニジンのマウス胎仔におよぼす影響
- 凍結オートラジオグラフィによるグルタミン酸ソーダのマウス新生仔脳内分布
- Malformation of Processes of Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide (VIP) Contaning Neurons in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus of Rats with Microcephaly
- Developmental abnormalities induced by ionizing and nonionizing radiation
- Abnormal distribution of serotonin nerve fibers and terminals in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of rats with microcephaly
- [SHORT REPORTS]Body and Brain Development following Exposure to ^Co γ-Irradiation during Pregnancy in Mice
- [SHORT REPORTS]Immunohistochemical Examination of Serotonin Fibers in the Developing Visual Cortex of Rats with Methylazoxymethanol-Induced Mictocephaly.-II
- Ossification of the skeletal system in swine fetuses.
- High Incidence of Anorectal Malformations Induced by Transplacental Infusion of All-Trans Retinoic Acid into Suncus
- Teratogenicity of Patulin, a Mycotoxin, in Mice
- Radiation-induced apoptotic cell death in the developing brain.
- Teratology of Heavy Metals : Mercury and Other Contaminants
- [REVIEW ARTICLE]Radiation-Induced Apoptosis in Undifferentiated Cells of the Devleloping Brain as a Biological Defense Mechanism
- 小頭症ラットの海馬神経回路の生後発達異常