Ossification of tracheal cartilage in aged humans: a histological and immunohistochemical analysis
Takemura Tamiko
Department Of Pathology Japanese Red Cross Medical Center Tokyo
Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
Department of Pathology, Japanese Red Cross Medical Center
Section of Forensic Dentistry, Division of Public Health, Department of International Health Develop
Kayano Teruo
Section Of Forensic Dentistry Division Of Public Health Department Of International Health Developme
Kusafuka Kimihide
Department Of Pathology Japanese Red Cross Medical Center
Yamaguchi Akira
Department Of Chemistry Graduate School Of Science Tohoku University
Takemura Tamiko
Department Of Pathology Japan Red Cross Medical Center
Yamaguchi Akira
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Hirosaki University
Yamaguchi Akira
Department Of Oral Pathology School Of Dentistry Nagasaki University
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