Restoration to a Quiescent and Contractile Phenotype from a Proliferative Phenotype of Myofibroblast-Like Human Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells by Culture on Type IV Collagen Gels^1
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japanese Biochemical Societyの論文
- 1999-06-01
HAYASHI Toshihiko
Department of Life Sciences-Chemistry, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Hirose M
Department Of Life Sciences Graduate School Of Arts And Scienses The University Of Tokyo
Hirose Motohiro
Department Of Life Sciences Graduate School Of Arts And Sciences The University Of Tokyo
Nakazato Koichi
Department Of Exercise Physiology Graduate School Of Health And Sport Science Nippon Sport Science U
Nakazato Koichi
Department Of Life Sciences Graduate School Of Arts And Scienses The University Of Tokyo
Kosugi Hiroaki
Department Of Life Sciences Graduate School Of Arts And Scienses The University Of Tokyo
Hayashi Toshihiko
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Shizuoka University
Hayashi Toshihiko
Department Of Life Sciences College Of Arts And Sciences The University Of Tokyo
Hayashi Toshihiko
Department Of Life Sciences Graduate School Of Arts And Scienses The University Of Tokyo
- ウシ角膜のコラーゲン線維の単離
- F-1 尿3-Hydroxyprolineによるがん健診への応用
- A12 球状の形態を維持する脂肪細胞によるI型コラーゲンゲル収縮作用
- B2 慢性期移植腎機能低下例におけるIV型コラーゲンの変化に関する免疫組織化学的研究
- A3 成長期毛包の毛乳頭細胞におけるI型コラーゲン遺伝子・プロモーターの活性化
- 0711618 コラーゲンとヘパリンとの相互作用
- バイオセパレーションとブレークスルー
- 第16回ヨーロッパ結合組織学会(XVIth Meeting of the Federation of European Connective Tissue Societies)印象記
- ヒトIV型コラーゲンを認識するモノクローナル抗体JK199のエピトープの性状の検討
- 再構成したα1(v)α2(v)α3(v)と[α1(v)]_2α2(v)の組成を持つV型コラーゲン細線維の形態
- D-20 ヘパリンとの親和性から見た3本鎖らせん構造の特徴
- D-15 V型コラーゲン線維の細胞への結合
- I型およびIV型コラーゲンゲルを用いた細胞培養
- 線維性コラーゲンとその会合体の生物学的機能
- A20 ヘパリンとコラーゲンらせんの相互作用についての立体化学的考察
- A11 IV型コラーゲンゲルを用いたヒト大動脈平滑筋細胞の培養
- A10 培養ヒト大動脈血管内皮細胞の増殖に対するIV型及びV型コラーゲン会合体の影響
- A9 培養肺胞上皮細胞の基底膜形成に与える基底膜成分添加の影響
- コラーゲンタンパク質を用いた生体組織工学研究
- A1 線維性コラーゲンらせん領域とヒト大動脈平滑筋細胞の相互作用 : 特にV型コラーゲンについて
- 細胞外マトリックスの生物学的機能 (特集 マトリックス生物学の最前線)
- 短鎖α1(IV)およびα2(IV)がウシレンズカプセル以外にヒト胎盤およびウシ腎臓に存在する
- コラ-ゲン (細胞接着分子--その生体機能の全貌) -- (第3部 細胞外基質としての接着分子)
- 総論 (細胞接着分子--その生体機能の全貌) -- (第3部 細胞外基質としての接着分子)
- Isolated collagen IV retains the potential to form an 1.8-nm sided polygonal meshwork of the lamina densa
- The 160k α1(IV) Chain, a Short Form of a Type IV Collagen Polypeptide, of Bovine Lens Capsule Retains the NC1 Domain
- はじめに
- 細胞外マトリックスとその生物学的機能
- D-14 V型コラーゲン再構成線維のX線構造研究
- 日本結合組織学会とマトリックス研究会のジョイントミーティング
- 角膜実質の再生医療
- Type IX collagen knock-out mouse shows progressive hearing loss
- Maintenance of a Round Cell Shape and Physiological Responsiveness to Insulin of Mature Adipocytes by Culturing in Type I Collagen Gel
- Preferential Liberation of Type V Collagen from Bovine Corneal Stroma by Limited Treatment with Proteases
- Serum-dependent Secretion of Nondisulfide-bonded and Unfolded Type IV Collagen α Chains by Cultured Fetal Lung Fibroblasts
- Evidence for a Short Form of α1 (IV) as a Major Polypeptide in Bovine Lens Capsule
- Preferential Liberation of Type V Collagen from Bovine Corneal Stroma by Limited Treatment with Proteases
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- Seasonal Changes in the Air Temperature and the Humidity over a Four-year Period at the Timberline on Mt. Fuji
- Gel Formation from the Type IV Collagen Isolated from Bovine Lens Capsule in Guanidine-HCl and Dithiothreitol
- Analysis of Matrix Protein Components of the Dermis-Like Structure Formed in a Long-Term Culture of Human Fibroblasts: Type VI Collagen Is a Major Component^1
- Isolation of the Central Type IV Collagen Triple-Helical Domain by Chymotrypsin Treatment
- Gelation of the Lens Capsule Type IV Collagen Solution at a Neutral pH^1
- Condensation of Collagen Fibrils to the Direct Vicinity of Fibroblasts as a Cause of Gel Contraction^1
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- Secretion of Non-Helical Collagenous Polypeptides of α1(IV) and α2(IV) Chains upon Depletion of Ascorbate by Cultured Human Cells^1
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- Restoration to a Quiescent and Contractile Phenotype from a Proliferative Phenotype of Myofibroblast-Like Human Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells by Culture on Type IV Collagen Gels^1
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- Restoration to a Quiescent and Contractile Phenotype from a Phenotype of Myofibroblast-Like Human Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells by Culture on Type IV Collagen Gels.