Effectiveness of muscle coverage to manage osteomyelitis of very late onset in the irradiated chest wall
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2012-03-01
林 利彦
Yamamoto Yuhei
Department Of Plastic Surgery Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Medicine
Yamamoto Yuhei
Department Of Cosmosciences Faculty Of Science Hokkaido University
Oyama Akihiko
Department Of Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Medicine
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Hokkaido Cancer Center
Furukawa Hiroshi
Department Of Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Graduate School Of Medicine Hokkaido University
Hayashi Toshihiko
Department Of Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Graduate School Of Medicine Hokkaido University
Hayashi Toshihiko
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Shizuoka University
Minakawa Hidehiko
Department Of Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Hokkaido Cancer Center
Furukawa Hiroshi
Department Of Cardiology Okayama Central Hospital
Saito Noriko
Department Of Applied Mathematics Yokohama National University
Furukawa Hiroshi
Department Of Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Medicine
林 利彦
北海道大学大学院医学研究科 形成外科学
Saito Akira
Department Of Pathology Juntendo University Urayasu Hospital
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Hokkaido Cancer Center
OTANI Hidekazu
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Hokkaido Cancer Center
Funayama Emi
Department Of Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Hokkaido Cancer Center
Otani Hidekazu
Department Of Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Hokkaido Cancer Center
Saito Akira
Department Of Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Medicine
Furukawa Hiroshi
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Nagasaki University
Saito Noriko
Department Of Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Hokkaido Cancer Center
HAYASHI Toshihiko
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine
Saito Akira
Department of Biological Chemistry, Yamaguchi University
Saito Akira
Department of Applied and Bioapplied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University
林 利彦
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine
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