Poststatin, a New Inhibitor of Prolyl Endopeptidase VII. N-Cycloalklamide Analogues
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1996-09-25
Institute of Microbial Chemistry
AOYAGI Takaaki
Institute of Microbial Chemistry
MURAOKA Yasuhiko
Institute of Microbial Chemistry
AOYAGI Takaaki
Department of Hygenic Chemistry, Showa College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Tsuda M
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
Nagai Machiko
Institute Of Microbial Chemistry
Aoyagi T
Inst. Microbial Chemistry Tokyo Jpn
TSUDA Makoto
Institute of Microbial Chemistry
Muraoka Y
Microbial Chemistry Research Center
Aoyagi T
Institute Of Microbial Chemistry
Aoyagi Takaaki
Department Of Hygienic Chemistry Showa College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Nagai Machiko
Intitute Of Microbioal Chemistry M. C. R. F
Takeuchi Tomio
Institute For Chemotherapy M.c.r.f.
Aoyagi Takaaki
Department Of Hygenic Chemistry Showa College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
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