ICM0201, a New Inhibitor of Osteoclastogenesis from Cunninghamella sp. F-1490 II. Structure Determination and Synthesis
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-03-25
Iinuma H
Microbial Chemistry Res. Center
Institute of Microbial Chemistry
Takeuchi T
Bioresource Laboratories Mercian Corp.
Takeuchi T
Institute Of Microbial Chemistry
Institute for Chemotherapy
Kumagai Hiroyuki
Microbial Chemistry Research Center Numazu Bio-medical Research Institute
Microbial Chemistry Research Center Numazu Bio-Medical Research Institute
Someno Tetsuya
Numazu Bio-medical Research Institute Microbial Chemistry Research Foundation
Teikyo University Institute of Medical Mycology
Institute for Chemotherapy, M.C.R.F.
Institute for Chemotherapy, M.C.R.F.
Institute for Chemotherapy, M.C.R.F.
Microbial Chemistry Research Center
Takeuchi Toshio
Research And Development Department Kibun Food Chemifa Co. Ltd.
Ishizuka M
Microbial Chemistry Research Center
Igarashi M
Yamagata Univ. Yamagata Jpn
Igarashi M
Microbial Chemistry Research Center
Kuboki Hiroshi
Central Research Laboratories Mercian Corporation
Takeuchi T
M.c.r.f. Shizuoka Jpn
Takeuchi Tomio
Institute For Chemotherapy M.c.r.f.
Inoue Hiroyuki
Numazu Bio-medical Research Institute Microbial Chemistry Research Foundation
Inoue Hiroyuki
Institute For Chemotherapy M.c.r.e.
Takeuchi T
Inst. Microbial Chemistry Shinagawa‐ku Jpn
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