The Research Institute for scientific Measurements | 論文
- On the Method of Determining the Best Operating Condition of a Fractionating Oil Diffusion Pump
- Electro-discharge Machining of Prototype Micro-notch I
- Exfoliation of Metals at High Temperatures
- On the Mechanical Disintegration of Metal by a Stamp Mill
- On the Method of Mechanically Pulverizing Metal by Cutter Mill
- On the Mechanical Pulverizing for Metals by a Specially Designed Eddy Mill
- Electronmicroscopic Observation of the Additively Coloured KCl Crystal. II : Effects of Light Exposure
- Electron-Microscopic Observation of Photographic Emulsion. I : Appearance of the "Halos" in Electron Micrographs
- Thermionic Emission of Semi-conductors
- Electric Conductivity of Semi-Conductors
- Electronmicroscopic Observation of the Change of Forms of the Coated Oxide Particles of the Oxide Cathode by the Activation
- Infrared Properties of Yttrium Oxide
- On the Electron-Optical Observation of the Emission Patterns of Barium-azide, Barium-Oxide and Strontium-Oxide Specks
- Some Characteristics of the Maxwell-Wagner Type Dielectric Dispersion
- Study on Micro Diameter Drill Working : Effects of Working Conditions on Burr and Cutting Force
- Studies on the Sintering of the Metallic Powder of the Iron Family. I : Magnetic Properties of the Sintered Iron Compact
- Electrical Resistivity of Metal Powder Compact during Sintering Process
- Experimental Study on the Kinetics of Sintering of Copper-Nickel Powder Compact
- Electronmicroscopic Observation of the KCl Crystal Containing Potassium Colloid Particles
- Electronmicroscopic Observation of the Additively Coloured KCl Crystal